| 09:00 - 18:00 | |
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| Talk | | IF Poster 1: System-of-Systems Architecture for Construction Factory Posters |
| Talk | | IF Poster 2: Even more efficient testing process Posters |
| Talk | | IF Poster 3: Lean Transport Mission Optimization in Site Operations Posters |
| Talk | | IF Poster 4: Positioning in mines Posters |
| Talk | | IF Poster 5: Designing Interaction for Multi-OS environments Posters |
| Talk | | IF Poster 6: Exploring Mixed Reality Interaction Design for Heavy Vehicles Posters |
| Talk | | IF Poster 7: Safety Assurance of cooperating construction maachines Posters |
| Talk | | IF Poster 8: Evolutionary Aspects of Complex Embedded Systems Architectures Posters |
| Talk | | IF Poster 9: Utilizing hardware monitoring to improve the quality of service and performance of industrial systems Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W1: Industrie 4.0 Virtual Automation Bus Architecture Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W2: An Empirical Study of the Product Owner Role in Scrum Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W3: Reengineering Legacy Systems for Supporting SOA: A Case Study on the Brazilian's Secretary of State for Taxation Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W4: Results from Multi-faceted Software Reliability Assessment Studies Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W5: An Initial Characterization of Bug-injecting Development Sessions Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W6: Challenges with Automotive Test Case Specifications Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W7: Understanding the Role of Reporting in Work Item Tracking Systems for Software Development: An Industrial Case Study Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W8: When Students Meet Developers: Are Barcamps a Format for Interactive Software Engineering Education? Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W9: A Methodology to Teaching Statistical Process Control for Software Engineers: An Overview Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W10: A matrix for analyzing projects in Software Engineering courses Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W11: Continuous Inspection in the Classroom: Improving Students' Programming Quality with Social Coding Methods Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W12: Startup Software Development Education: A Systematic Mapping Study Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W13: Analyzing the transactive memory in teaching Software Engineering Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W14: Improving Formation of Student Teams: A Clustering Approach Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W15: Are Our Students Engaged into Their Studies? Professional Engagement vs. Study Engagement Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W16: Multidisciplinary Skill Assessment for Embedded Software Development Education via a Robot Contest Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W17: PBL Planner Toolkit A Canvas-Based Tool for Planning PBL in Software Engineering Education Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W18: Challenge-Based Learning: A Brazilian Case Study Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W19: A Conceptual Model for Cooperative Thinking Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W20: Situation-Based E-Learning in Software Engineering Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W21: A Multi-Year Analysis of Students' Build Errors in Agile Software Development Educational Projects Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W23: Deciding Weak Monitorability for Runtime Verification Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W24: LWE: LDA refinedWord Embeddings for duplicate bug report detection Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W25: Inferring API Elements Relevant to an English Query Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W26: A Study Of Monitoring Crosscutting Concerns Implementation Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W27: Duplicate Finder Toolkit Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W28: Toward the Development of Richer Properties for Recommender Systems Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W29: Automatic Detection of Inverse Operations while Avoiding Loop Unrolling Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W30: Efficiently Finding Minimal Failing Input in MapReduce Programs Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W31: Forks Insight: Providing an Overview of GitHub Forks Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W32: Use of Trace Link Types in Issue Tracking Systems Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W33: A Topic Analysis of the R Programming Language Posters DOI Pre-print |
| Talk | | Poster W34: Architecture Reconstruction and Evaluation of Blockchain Open Source Platform Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W35: Agile Requirement Traceability Matrix Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W36: Beyond Spatial and Temporal Memory Safety Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W37: A Novel Shared Memory Framework for Distributed Deep Learning in High-Performance Computing Architecture Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W38: DWEN: Deep Word Embedding Network for Duplicate Bug Report Detection in Software Repositories Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W39: Live Path Control Flow Integrity Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W40: Using Repository Data for Driving Software Architecture Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W41: Analysis of Requirements Quality Evolution Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W42: Using Consensus to Automatically Infer Post-conditions Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W43: Pairika: A failure diagnosis benchmark for C++ programs Posters |
| Poster | | Poster W44: Towards Safe Refactoring for Intelligent Parallelization of Java 8 Streams Posters Link to publication DOI Pre-print |
| Poster | | Poster W45: Testing Web-Based Applications with the Voice Controlled Accessibility and Testing Tool (VCAT) Posters Pre-print |
| Talk | | Poster W46: Leveraging Product Relationships to Generate Candidate Bugs for Duplicate Bug Prediction Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W47: Protecting Remote Controlling Apps of Smart-Home-Oriented IOT Devices Posters |
| Poster | | Poster W48: MC/DC Coverage-Oriented Compiler Optimization for Symbolic Execution Posters Pre-print |
| Poster | | Poster W49: Introducing Quality Models Based On Joint Probabilities Posters Pre-print |
| Talk | | Poster W50: Program Repair That Learns From Mistakes Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W51: A changeset-based approach to assess source code density and developer efficacy Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W52: Discovering Requirements of Behaviour Change Software Systems from Negative User Experience Posters Link to publication DOI Pre-print |
| Talk | | Poster W53: Understanding Newcomers Success in Open Source Community Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W54: Swarming Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems for Mosquito-Borne Disease Research and Control Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W55: Ethics-Aware Software Engineering Posters |
| Talk | | Poster W57: How to Handle Environmental Uncertainty in Goal-Based Requirements Engineering Posters |