* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Fri 1 Jun 2018 14:20 - 14:40 at G1 room - Models and Modeling II Chair(s): Jon Whittle

In goal-oriented requirements engineering approaches, conflict analysis has been proposed as an abstraction for risk analysis. Intu- itively, given a set of expected goals to be achieved by the system-to-be, a conflict represents a subtle situation that makes goals diverge, i.e., not be satis able as a whole. Conflict analysis is typically driven by the identify-assess-control cycle, aimed at identifying, assessing and resolving conflicts that may obstruct the satisfaction of the expected goals. In particular, the assessment step is concerned with evaluating how likely the identi ed conflicts are, and how likely and severe are their consequences. So far, existing assessment approaches restrict their analysis to obstacles (conflicts that prevent the satisfaction of a single goal), and assume that certain probabilistic information on the domain is pro- vided, that needs to be previously elicited from experienced users, statistical data or simulations. In this paper, we present a novel automated approach to assess how likely a conflict is, that applies to general conflicts (not only obstacles) without requiring probabilistic information on the domain. Intuitively, given the LTL formulation of the domain and of a set of goals to be achieved, we compute goal conflicts, and exploit string model counting techniques to estimate the likelihood of the occurrence of the corresponding conflicting situations and the severity in which these a ect the satisfaction of the goals. This information can then be used to prioritize conflicts to be resolved, and suggest which goals to drive attention to for refinements.

slides for "Goal-Conflict likelihood assessment using Model Counting" (icse2018-goal-conflict-assessment.pdf)1.12MiB

Fri 1 Jun

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

14:00 - 15:30
Models and Modeling IITechnical Papers / Journal first papers at G1 room
Chair(s): Jon Whittle Monash University
Programming Not Only by Example
Technical Papers
Hila Peleg Technion, Israel, Sharon Shoham Tel Aviv university, Eran Yahav Technion
Pre-print Media Attached
Goal-Conflict Likelihood Assessment based on Model Counting
Technical Papers
Renzo Degiovanni Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Pablo Castro , Marcelo Arroyo , Marcelo Ruiz Dept. of Mathematics, FCEFQyN, University of Río Cuarto, Argentina , Nazareno Aguirre Dept. of Computer Science FCEFQyN, University of Rio Cuarto, Marcelo F. Frias Dept. of Software Engineering Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires
Pre-print File Attached
A Posteriori Typing for Model-Driven Engineering: Concepts, Analysis, and Applications
Journal first papers
A Static Verification Framework for Message Passing in Go using Behavioural Types
Technical Papers
Julien Lange University of Kent, Nicholas Ng Imperial College London, Bernardo Toninho Imperial College London, Nobuko Yoshida Imperial College London
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Q&A in groups
Technical Papers