ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal

Paolo Falcarin, Fabio Dainese. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy.


Software engineers and security professionals rely on a variety of sources of information, including known vulnerabilities, newly identified weaknesses, and threats, as well as attack patterns and current mitigations. Such information, spread across different places, results in an increased effort for developers in following all the cross-referenced data and finding appropriate solutions to their security issues in a timely manner. Software developers cannot have a good knowledge of the breadth of the different issues and vulnerabilities that are constantly increasing in time; the raising number of security issues to tackle cannot be matched by software developers which need more help from intelligent tools. Therefore, in this work, we present CyberGraph, a tool to automatically build and update a single, easily queryable cybersecurity knowledge graph by automatically linking heterogeneous data from different public repositories. The resulting unique integrated dataset, thanks to its magnitude, allows the execution of sophisticated queries that can quickly provide new insights and valuable perspectives

Mon 15 Apr

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

14:00 - 15:30
Training, knowledge and Industrial challengesEnCyCriS/SVM at Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso
Chair(s): John Eidar Simensen IFE
Building a Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph with CyberGraph
A: Paolo Falcarin Ca' Foscari University of Venice, A: Fabio Dainese Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Training Developers to Code Securely: Theory and Practice
A: Ita Ryan University College Cork, A: Utz Roedig University College Cork, A: Klaas-Jan Stol Lero; University College Cork; SINTEF Digital
On DevSecOps and Risk Management in Critical Infrastructures: Practitioners´Insights on Needs and Goals
A: Xhesika Ramaj Østfold University College (HiØ) / Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), A: Mary Sánchez-Gordón Østfold University College, A: Vasileios Gkioulos NTNU, A: Ricardo Colomo-Palacios Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Cyber-incident Response in Industrial Control Systems: Practices and Challenges in the Petroleum Industry
A: Vahiny Gnanasekaran Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU, A: Maria Bartnes Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU, A: Tor Olav Grøtan SINTEF Digital, Poul Einar Heegaard Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU