Following the tradition of past years, ICSE 2024 will host an ACM Student Research Competition (SRC). SRC offers a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research at well-known ACM sponsored and co-sponsored conferences before a panel of judges and attendees. ACM will provide the medals and monetary awards to the SRC student winners, $500, $300, $200 respectively for the top three winners in each of the graduate and undergraduate categories. The graduate category includes both Masters’ and PhD programs.
Additional Information
For additional information, see the Call for Contributions, consult the ACM Student Research Competition website, or contact Mattia Fazzini and André Restivo.
Wed 17 AprDisplayed time zone: Lisbon change
16:00 - 17:30 | SRC PostersSRC - ACM Student Research Competition at Open Space Chair(s): Mattia Fazzini University of Minnesota, André Restivo LIACC, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal | ||
16:00 90mPoster | Program Decomposition and Translation with Static Analysis SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Ali Reza Ibrahimzada University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign DOI Pre-print File Attached | ||
16:00 90mPoster | IntTracer: Sanitization-aware IO2BO Vulnerability Detection across Codebases SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Xiang Chen Shanghai Jiao Tong University | ||
16:00 90mPoster | Vulnerability Root Cause Function Locating For Java Vulnerabilities SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Lyuye Zhang Nanyang Technological University | ||
16:00 90mPoster | Flakiness Repair in the Era of Large Language Models SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Yang Chen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | ||
16:00 90mPoster | Refining Abstract Specifications into Dangerous Traffic Scenarios SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Aren Babikian McGill University | ||
16:00 90mPoster | An Ensemble Method for Bug Triaging using Large Language Models SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Atish Kumar Dipongkor University of Central Florida | ||
16:00 90mPoster | Classifying Source Code: How Far Can Compressor-based Classifiers Go? SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Zhou Yang Singapore Management University |
18:30 - 21:00 | Welcome receptionSocial Events / ICSE Keynotes / SRC - ACM Student Research Competition at Open Space | ||
18:30 2h30mSocial Event | Welcome reception Social Events |
Thu 18 AprDisplayed time zone: Lisbon change
11:00 - 12:30 | SRC PresentationsSRC - ACM Student Research Competition at Vianna da Motta Chair(s): Mattia Fazzini University of Minnesota, André Restivo LIACC, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal | ||
11:00 12mPoster | An Ensemble Method for Bug Triaging using Large Language Models SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Atish Kumar Dipongkor University of Central Florida | ||
11:12 12mPoster | Classifying Source Code: How Far Can Compressor-based Classifiers Go? SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Zhou Yang Singapore Management University | ||
11:24 12mPoster | Flakiness Repair in the Era of Large Language Models SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Yang Chen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | ||
11:36 12mPoster | Program Decomposition and Translation with Static Analysis SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Ali Reza Ibrahimzada University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign DOI Pre-print File Attached | ||
11:48 12mPoster | Refining Abstract Specifications into Dangerous Traffic Scenarios SRC - ACM Student Research Competition Aren Babikian McGill University |
16:00 - 17:30 | MIP Award / SIGSOFT Outstanding Award / Harlan D. MIlls AwardMost Influential Paper ICSE N-10Social Events / ICSE Keynotes / SRC - ACM Student Research Competition at Grande Auditório Chair(s): Rui Abreu Meta & University of Porto, Walid Maalej University of Hamburg, Ana Paiva INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Mauro Pezze USI Università della Svizzera Italiana & SIT Schaffhausen Institute of Technology, Paolo Tonella USI Lugano, Andre van der Hoek University of California, Irvine Chairs:
IEEE Computer Society Harlan D. Mills AwardPrem Thomas Devanbu , Distinguished Research Professor, Computer Science, UC Davis Most influential paper ICSE N-10Coverage is not strongly correlated with test suite effectiveness (ICSE 2014) ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research AwardTsong Yueh Chen (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia) for contributions to software testing through the invention and development of metamorphic testing. | ||
16:00 30mAwards | IEEE Computer Society Harlan D. Mills Award Social Events | ||
16:30 30mAwards | Most influential paper ICSE N-10 Social Events | ||
17:00 30mAwards | ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award Social Events |
19:00 - 22:30 | Conference BanquetSocial Events / ICSE Keynotes / SRC - ACM Student Research Competition at LX Factory | ||
19:00 3h30mDinner | Conference Banquet Social Events |
Fri 19 AprDisplayed time zone: Lisbon change
17:30 - 18:00 | Awards (Distinguished Papers, Reviewers, ACM Student Research Competition Awards)Social Events / SRC - ACM Student Research Competition at Grande Auditório Chair(s): Rui Abreu Meta & University of Porto, Ana Paiva INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto | ||
17:50 10mTalk | ACM Student Research Competition Awards SRC - ACM Student Research Competition |
18:00 - 18:20 | Closing cerimonySocial Events / ICSE Keynotes / SRC - ACM Student Research Competition at Grande Auditório Chair(s): Rui Abreu Meta & University of Porto, Ana Paiva INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto | ||
18:00 10mTalk | ICSE 2024 Closing Social Events Rui Abreu Meta & University of Porto, Ana Paiva INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Arie van Deursen Delft University of Technology |
Accepted Papers
Title | |
An Ensemble Method for Bug Triaging using Large Language Models SRC - ACM Student Research Competition | |
Classifying Source Code: How Far Can Compressor-based Classifiers Go? SRC - ACM Student Research Competition | |
Flakiness Repair in the Era of Large Language Models SRC - ACM Student Research Competition | |
IntTracer: Sanitization-aware IO2BO Vulnerability Detection across Codebases SRC - ACM Student Research Competition | |
Program Decomposition and Translation with Static Analysis SRC - ACM Student Research Competition DOI Pre-print File Attached | |
Refining Abstract Specifications into Dangerous Traffic Scenarios SRC - ACM Student Research Competition | |
Vulnerability Root Cause Function Locating For Java Vulnerabilities SRC - ACM Student Research Competition |
Call for Contributions
How to Participate: Submit a Research Abstract
To enroll in the Student Research Competition (SRC), you must be an undergraduate or graduate student pursuing an academic degree at the time of initial submission. You must submit a 2-page research abstract related to any of the main ICSE themes. A submission should describe a research problem, its background and related work, the proposed solution and its novelty, the actual results, and your contributions. Supervisors of the work may not be listed as co-authors; for the competition, you should submit a single-authored version of your work. The SRC committee members will review the submissions and select students to participate in the competition. Submissions that are accepted to the competition will be published in the ICSE conference companion proceedings.
Submission Guidelines
A submission to SRC must not exceed 2 pages, including all text, appendices, and figures. An additional third page is permitted only if it contains only references. The submission must be written in English and must be submitted as a PDF file. Submissions must strictly conform to the ACM formatting instructions. Alterations of spacing, font size, and other changes that deviate from the instructions may result in desk rejection without further review. The submitter and author must be a student member of the ACM and must provide your current ACM member number.
The review process is single-anonymous. There is no need to anonymize the submission.
You must submit your SRC research abstract electronically using the hotcrp submission page (
Important Dates
- SRC Submissions Deadline: December 1st, 2023 (AOE)
- SRC Acceptance Notification: January 12th, 2024 (AOE)
- SRC Camera Ready: January 25th, 2024 (AOE)
- SRC Presentations: TBD
First Round Competition: Poster Presentation
If you are selected to participate in the competition, you will be invited to the first round, which will take place at ICSE 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal. You will present a poster describing your work to conference attendees and leading experts in the Software Engineering field, including the SRC committee. Judges will review the posters and discuss the research with participants. The judges will evaluate the novelty and significance of your research, and the quality of your presentation, including your poster and the surrounding discussion. Following that evaluation, the judges will select students to advance to the second round of the competition.
Second Round Competition: Research Talk
If you are selected for the second round, you will give a short presentation of your research before a panel of judges in a special session at the ICSE 2024 conference. After each presentation, there will be a brief question-and-answer session. Your evaluation will be based on your knowledge of your research area, the contribution of your research, and the quality of your oral and visual presentation. Three undergraduate and three graduate students will be chosen as winners and will receive prizes.
Prizes and SRC Grand Finals
The top three winners in each category – undergraduate and graduate – will be recognized during the ICSE conference. The winners of the ICSE 2023 SRC will also be invited to participate in the ACM SRC Grand Finals, where they will compete with winners from other conferences held during the calendar year. A separate panel of judges will evaluate all SRC Grand Final participants. Three undergraduate and three graduate students will be chosen as the SRC Grand Finals winners.
Q: I am a PhD student. Am I eligible to participate in the SRC?
Yes. As a PhD student, you will compete in the Graduate category of the competition.
Q: What should be part of the research abstract?
A submission to the competition should describe recently completed or ongoing student research related to the topics covered by ICSE. It is important that your research abstract discusses (1) research problem and motivation, (2) background and related work, (3) approach and uniqueness, and (4) results and contributions. The committee will assess your research abstract along those dimensions.
Q: Based on what criteria will judges evaluate the abstract/research?
The judges will assess research abstracts based on four criteria: Problem and motivation, Background and related work, Approach and uniqueness, and Results and contribution. For the poster presentation, the criteria are Oral presentation, Visual presentation, Research methods, and Significance of contribution. For the conference presentation, the criteria are Knowledge of research area, Contribution of research, and Presentation.
Q: Will the participants qualify for a registration waiver and/or free/discounted travel reimbursement?
There is no registration waiver and no free/discounted travel reimbursement. Students will have to pay for conference registration, travel, and lodging. However, there are additional programs to help students keep the cost down (the programs can be combined with SRC). Consider applying as a student volunteer. Additionally, SIGSOFT has a great travel support program for students: SIGSOFT CAPS.
Q: My research is not related to software engineering or any of the main themes of the ICSE conference. Can I still participate in the Student Research Competition?
Yes, but not at ICSE. Participate in a SRC at a conference that is related to your research. To participate in the competition at ICSE, your research needs to be related to the main themes of the ICSE conference (see the topics for the Technical Research Track. If your research is not among the topics relevant for ICSE, please check to find a conference that is better related. If you don’t find a conference that cover’s your research, you can participate in the SRC competition at the SIGCSE conference.
Q: I submitted a paper to the Doctoral Symposium. May I also submit a paper on the same topic to the Student Research Competition?
Yes, you may, and we encourage this. However, as with any simultaneous submission about similar research topics, the content must be at least 30% different from any other submission (in substance, not just the words). This includes your submission to the Doctoral Symposium. The overlap between the two papers will be checked upon submission to the SRC submission site. If you have doubts about your submission, please speak with your advisor and discuss how to ensure that the two papers are different enough to avoid being flagged.
Q: Can I submit research that is already published elsewhere?
No, the submission needs to be original. In particular, you cannot participate with a short version of a paper that is accepted in the main track. We will ask you to retract work that has already been published elsewhere.