ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal

This research paper with the title, “My GitHub Sponsors profile is live!” Investigating the Impact of Twitter/X Mentions on GitHub Sponsors, introduces an investigation into GitHub Sponsors and its interplay with social media interactions, particularly on Twitter/X. The study is accompanied by an archival repository, seeking the Reusable Badge, and providing code for data retrieval from GitHub Sponsors’ GraphQL interface. The repository facilitates exploration for researchers interested in GitHub Sponsors data and simplifies the process of extracting data from social media platforms through its code. In its initial stage of development, this research serves as a reference point for understanding community interactions between GitHub and social media. Seeking the Available Badge, the study captures insights into the reactions and dynamics surrounding the newly introduced sponsorship model in the open-source community. This dataset is valuable for both present analyses and future research endeavors, offering an understanding of GitHub Sponsors’ early trends and community reception. To assess the artifact, the reviewer is expected to possess proficiency in executing code within a Jupyter Notebook environment, underlining the technical nature of the research. By seeking Reusable and Available Badges, this research artifact positions itself as a resource for researchers and developers exploring GitHub Sponsors and social media integration, contributing to the ongoing discourse on the evolving landscape of open-source community support. This research artifact is available at https://github.com/NAIST-SE/GHSponsorsX and https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10461383.