ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal

The submitted artifact serves as a replication package for our study into BOMs and the software supply chain. It contains all anonymized data, scripts, and auxiliary content that is necessary to verify and validate our findings. More broadly, the provided scripts can also be used and modified to facilitate easier analysis of surveys hosted on the Qualtrics platform. The artifact should be easily installable and runnable by anyone with a basic knowledge of Python. The scripts were all tested and used on the Windows 10 operating system and should work on Unix and Linux systems as well.

We believe that our artifact meets the requirements for the Available and Reusable badges. In terms of availability, we have included our anonymized and sanitized data as well as the entire suite of tools used during analysis. In terms of reusability, one of the goals of this repository is to create a suite of tools that could be reused and repurposed for similar projects. To this end, we have included and extensively documented the scripts used during data processing and analysis.

The research artifact can be found: https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/directory/?origin_url=https://github.com/TStalnaker44/boms_away_study&timestamp=2023-12-14T19:40:16.536651%2B00:00#