ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal

This submission presents the artifact for “FlakeSync: Automatically Repairing Async Flaky Tests.” FlakeSync is a tool for repairing async flaky tests by identifying the critical points and barrier points during the test execution and then synchronizing them as to prevent flaky test failures. The primary purpose of this artifact is to provide the code for FlakeSync as well as the scripts and execution environment in which to run FlakeSync on example flaky tests. By executing the scripts, a user should be able to obtain the results relating to critical points, barrier points, and the final patches for input flaky tests. In this submission, we are applying for two badges: “Available” and “Reusable.” For a thorough evaluation of our artifact, we recommend that reviewers have familiarity with Bash scripts, Docker, and Ubuntu command-line operations.