ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal

This research artifact contains the source code produced by Quinlan, Mercadante, Tufo, Morrone, and Xiao as described in \textit{eFish’nSea: Unity Game Set for Learning Software Performance Issues Root Causes and Resolutions}. Particularly, provided are the game project files, for review of the structure and logic of the source code for each game. For review of this artifact, it is assumed that the reviewer has familiarity with both the C# programming language, as well as the Unity game engine and its unique system of GameObjects, components, and scripts. For proper interaction with the source code, one should only attempt to load all of the game directories as Unity (version 2021.3.18f1) projects. Each of these projects, however, can be built and run on any operating system supported by Unity. With this submission, the authors intend to apply for both the “Available” and “Reusable” badges.