ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
Wed 17 Apr 2024 17:00 - 17:15 at Eugénio de Andrade - Testing: various bug types 1 Chair(s): June Sallou

Mobile applications have become a ubiquitous part of our daily life, providing users with access to various services and utilities. Text input, as an important interaction channel between users and applications, plays an important role in core functionality such as search queries, authentication, messaging, etc. However, certain special text (e.g., -18 for Font Size) can cause the app to crash, and generating diversified unusual inputs for fully testing the app is highly demanded. Nevertheless, this is also challenging due to the combination of explosion dilemma, high context sensitivity, and complex constraint relations. This paper proposes InputBlaster which leverages the LLM to automatically generate unusual text inputs for mobile app crash detection. It formulates the unusual inputs generation problem as a task of producing a set of test generators, each of which can yield a batch of unusual text inputs under the same mutation rule. In detail, InputBlaster leverages LLM to produce the test generators together with the mutation rules serving as the reasoning chain, and utilizes the in-context learning schema to demonstrate the LLM with examples for boosting the performance. InputBlaster is evaluated on 36 text input widgets with cash bugs involving 31 popular Android apps, and results show that it achieves 78% bug detection rate, with 136% higher than the best baseline. Besides, we integrate it with the automated GUI testing tool and detect 37 unseen crashes in real-world apps from Google Play.

Wed 17 Apr

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

16:00 - 17:30
Testing: various bug types 1Research Track / Software Engineering in Practice at Eugénio de Andrade
Chair(s): June Sallou Delft University of Technology
CERT: Finding Performance Issues in Database Systems Through the Lens of Cardinality Estimation
Research Track
Jinsheng Ba National University of Singapore, Manuel Rigger National University of Singapore
Optimistic Prediction of Synchronization-Reversal Data Races
Research Track
Zheng Shi National University of Singapore, Umang Mathur National University of Singapore, Andreas Pavlogiannis Aarhus University
Mozi: Discovering DBMS Bugs via Configuration-Based Equivalent Transformation
Research Track
Jie Liang , Zhiyong Wu Tsinghua University, China, Jingzhou Fu School of Software, Tsinghua University, Mingzhe Wang Tsinghua University, Chengnian Sun University of Waterloo, Yu Jiang Tsinghua University
FlakeSync: Automatically Repairing Async Flaky Tests
Research Track
Shanto Rahman University of Texas at Austin, August Shi The University of Texas at Austin
Testing the Limits: Unusual Text Inputs Generation for Mobile App Crash Detection with Large Language Model
Research Track
Zhe Liu Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chunyang Chen Technical University of Munich (TUM), Junjie Wang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengzhuo Chen Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Boyu Wu University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Zhilin Tian Pennsylvania State University, Yuekai Huang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jun Hu Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qing Wang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
AutoConsis: Automatic GUI-driven Data Inconsistency Detection of Mobile Apps
Software Engineering in Practice
Yongxiang Hu Fudan University, Hailiang Jin Meituan Inc., Xuan Wang Fudan University, Jiazhen Gu The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shiyu Guo Meituan, Chaoyi Chen Meituan, Xin Wang Fudan University, Yangfan Zhou Fudan University