ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
Fri 19 Apr 2024 11:45 - 12:00 at Fernando Pessoa - Testing: various bug types 2 Chair(s): João F. Ferreira

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) must be able to operate in a wide range of scenarios including those in the long tail distribution that include rare but safety-critical events. The collection of sensor input and expected output datasets from such scenarios is crucial for the development and testing of such systems. Yet, approaches to quantify the extent to which a dataset covers test specifications that capture critical scenarios remain limited in their ability to discriminate between inputs that lead to distinct behaviors, and to render interpretations that are relevant to AV domain experts. To address this challenge, we introduce S3C, a framework that abstracts sensor inputs to coverage domains that account for the spatial semantics of a scene. The approach leverages scene graphs to produce a sensor-independent abstraction of the AV environment that is interpretable and discriminating. We provide an implementation of the approach and a study for camera-based autonomous vehicles operating in simulation. The findings show that S3C outperforms existing techniques in discriminating among classes of inputs that cause failures, and offers spatial interpretations that can explain to what extent a dataset covers a test specification. Further exploration of S3C with open datasets complements the study findings, revealing the potential and shortcomings of deploying the approach in the wild.

Fri 19 Apr

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

11:00 - 12:30
Testing: various bug types 2Research Track / Software Engineering in Practice at Fernando Pessoa
Chair(s): João F. Ferreira INESC-ID and IST, University of Lisbon
Towards Finding Accounting Errors in Smart ContractsACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
Research Track
Brian Zhang Purdue University
MultiTest: Physical-Aware Object Insertion for Testing Multi-sensor Fusion Perception Systems
Research Track
Xinyu Gao , Zhijie Wang University of Alberta, Yang Feng Nanjing University, Lei Ma The University of Tokyo & University of Alberta, Zhenyu Chen Nanjing University, Baowen Xu Nanjing University
JLeaks: A Featured Resource Leak Repository Collected From Hundreds of Open-Source Java Projects
Research Track
Tianyang Liu Beijing Institute of Technology, Weixing Ji Beijing Institute of Technology, Xiaohui Dong Beijing Institute of Technology, Wuhuang Yao Beijing Institute of Technology, Yizhuo Wang Beijing Institute of Technology, Hui Liu Beijing Institute of Technology, Haiyang Peng Beijing Institute of Technology, Yuxuan Wang Beijing Institute of Technology
S3C: Spatial Semantic Scene Coverage for Autonomous Vehicles
Research Track
Trey Woodlief University of Virginia, Felipe Toledo , Sebastian Elbaum University of Virginia, Matthew B Dwyer University of Virginia
FlashSyn: Flash Loan Attack Synthesis via Counter Example Driven Approximation
Research Track
Zhiyang Chen University of Toronto, Sidi Mohamed Beillahi University of Toronto, Fan Long University of Toronto
Hawkeye: Change-targeted Testing for Android Apps based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Software Engineering in Practice
Chao Peng ByteDance, China, Zhengwei Lv ByteDance, Jiarong Fu ByteDance, Jiayuan Liang ByteDance, Zhao Zhang Bytedance Network Technology, Ajitha Rajan University of Edinburgh, Ping Yang Bytedance Network Technology