ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
Fri 19 Apr 2024 15:00 - 15:15 at Grande Auditório - LLM, NN and other AI technologies 6 Chair(s): Bowen Xu

Generative AI, notably ChatGPT, has garnered attention for its application in computer science education. This paper presents a controlled experiment that explores ChatGPT’s role in CS1 in a classroom setting. Specifically, we aim to investigate the impact of ChatGPT on student learning outcomes and their behaviors when working on programming assignments. Participants were tasked with creating a UML diagram and subsequently implementing its design through programming, followed by a closed-book post-evaluation and a post-survey. All the participants were required to screen-record the whole process. In total, 56 participants were initially recruited, with 48 successful screen recordings. Participants in the experimental group can access ChatGPT 3.5 and other online resources, such as Google and Stack Overflow when creating the UML diagram and programming; however, participants in the control group can access all online resources except for ChatGPT (i.e., the only design variable is the access to ChatGPT). Finally, we measured and analyzed participants’ learning outcomes through their UML diagram, programming, and post-evaluation scores. We also analyzed the time participants took to complete the tasks and their interactions with ChatGPT and other resources from the screen recordings. After finishing the tasks, student participants also provided their perceptions of using ChatGPT in CS1 through a post-survey.

With rigorous quantitative and qualitative analysis, we found that (1) using ChatGPT does not present a significant impact on students’ learning performance in the CS1 assignment-style tasks; (2) once using ChatGPT, students’ tendency to explore other traditional educational resources is largely reduced (though available) and they tend to rely solely on ChatGPT, and this reliance on ChatGPT did not guarantee enhanced learning performance; (3) the majority of students hold neutral views on ChatGPT’s role in CS1 programming but most of them raised concerns about its potential ethical issues and inconsistent performance across different tasks.

We hope this study can help educators and students better understand the impact of ChatGPT in CS1 and inspire future work to provide proper guidelines for using ChatGPT in introductory programming classes.

Fri 19 Apr

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

14:00 - 15:30
LLM, NN and other AI technologies 6Software Engineering Education and Training / Research Track / Software Engineering in Practice at Grande Auditório
Chair(s): Bowen Xu North Carolina State University
Make LLM a Testing Expert: Bringing Human-like Interaction to Mobile GUI Testing via Functionality-aware Decisions
Research Track
Zhe Liu Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chunyang Chen Technical University of Munich (TUM), Junjie Wang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengzhuo Chen Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Boyu Wu University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Xing Che Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dandan Wang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qing Wang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Automated Detection of AI-Obfuscated Plagiarism in Modeling Assignments
Software Engineering Education and Training
Timur Sağlam Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Sebastian Hahner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Larissa Schmid Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Erik Burger Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
DOI Pre-print
AI-Tutoring in Software Engineering Education
Software Engineering Education and Training
Eduard Frankford University of Innsbruck, Clemens Sauerwein University of Innsbruck, Patrick Bassner Technical University of Munich, Stephan Krusche Technical University of Munich, Ruth Breu University of Innsbruck
DOI Pre-print
Beyond Functional Correctness: An Exploratory Study on the Time Efficiency of Programming Assignments
Software Engineering Education and Training
Yida Tao Southern University of Science and Technology, Wenyan Chen Southern University of Science and Technology, Qingyang Ye Southern University of Science and Technology, Yao Zhao Southern University of Science and Technology
Does ChatGPT Help With Introductory Programming?An Experiment of Students Using ChatGPT in CS1
Software Engineering Education and Training
Yuankai Xue Vanderbilt University, Hanlin Chen Vanderbilt University, Gina Bai North Carolina State University, Robert Tairas Vanderbilt University, Yu Huang Vanderbilt University
A New Frontier of AI: On-Device AI Training and Personalization
Software Engineering in Practice
Jijoong Moon Samsung Electronics, Hyun Suk Lee Samsung Electronics, Jiho Chu Samsung Electronics, Donghak Park Samsung Electronics, Seungbaek Hong Samsung Electronics, Hyungjun Seo Samsung Electronics, Donghyeon Jeong Samsung Electronics, Sungsik Kong Samsung Electronics, MyungJoo Ham Samsung Electronics