ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
Wed 17 Apr 2024 11:30 - 11:45 at Glicínia Quartin - Human and Social 1 Chair(s): Grischa Liebel

Software engineering is concerned with how best to create software in ways that promote sustainable development and maximise quality. We have been largely successful at transferring software engineering knowledge into the industry, however, many challenges in software engineering training remain. A key amongst these is how best to teach practical engineering approaches along with the theoretical concepts behind them. This paper describes our experience of adopting an agile approach for reflective learning and teaching within the context of our Software Systems Engineering module, aimed at addressing challenges identified with previous efforts to promote reflective practice. Our study attempts to strengthen the use of reflective learning approaches for our current cohort, as well as introducing reflective teaching practices, whereby we examine our teaching approach in order to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. Our analysis of student response to the module shows that it was very well-received by the students, and we were able to collect ample evidence from feedback to support this. Most of our approaches resulted in positive feedback and contributed to improvements in teaching quality, however, we also identified some key aspects in our method that could still benefit from refinement, such as the need for explicit links between learning outcomes and workshop activities, and intuitive design of feedback questions, along with feedback collection frequency. We plan to incorporate these additional updates into the revision of the module for the next academic year, and to continue collecting and analysing feedback data for further enhancement.

Wed 17 Apr

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

11:00 - 12:30
Breaking the Flow: A Study of Interruptions During Software Engineering ActivitiesACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
Research Track
Yimeng Ma Duke University, Yu Huang Vanderbilt University, Kevin Leach Vanderbilt University
Supporting Web-based API Searches in the IDE Using Signatures
Research Track
Nick Bradley University of British Columbia, Thomas Fritz University of Zurich, Reid Holmes University of British Columbia
Adopting an Agile Approach for Reflective Learning and Teaching
Software Engineering Education and Training
Eleanor Leist University of East Anglia, Jaejoon Lee University of East Anglia
Experiences with Summer Camp Communication via Discord
Software Engineering Education and Training
Makayla Moster Clemson University, Ella Kokinda Clemson Univeristy, D. Matthew Boyer Clemson University, Paige Rodeghero Clemson University
With Great Humor Comes Great Developer Engagement
Software Engineering in Society
Deepika Tiwari KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Tim Toady Programming Republic of Perl, Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Benoit Baudry KTH
Using Accessibility Awareness Interventions to Improve Computing Education
Software Engineering Education and Training
Yang Liu Rochester Institute of Technology, Domenic Mangano RIT, Krishna Neupane Rochester Institute of Technology, Samuel Malachowsky Rochester Institute of Technology, Daniel Krutz Rochester Institute of Technology