ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal

Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) often lack the necessary level of specificity required by software architects to make well-informed architectural decisions. This deficiency compels software architects to probe business analysts to collect more details pertinent to architectural requirements from the clients. In our previous work, we introduced Probing Question-flows (PQ-flows) that can assist business analysts in probing stakeholders and gathering architecturally significant information for the creation of a more comprehensive SRS. Key limitations of our previous work were the manually created templatized PQ-flows and the mapping of PQ-flows to the software requirements based on standard Vector Space Model. In this study, we propose a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) prompting framework to address these limitations. We conducted experiments using ChatGPT and Mistral-7B models. We present our findings utilizing human and automated evaluation metrics on a subset of the publicly available PUblic REquirements (PURE) dataset.

Tue 16 Apr

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

11:00 - 12:30
Session 2: Architecture&Evolution + workshop activityMO2RE at Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso
Chair(s): Alessio Ferrari CNR-ISTI
Research paper
Post-Incident Action Items: Crossroads of Requirements Engineering and Software Evolution
Matt Pope Brigham Young University, Jonathan Sillito Brigham Young University
Research paper
Probing with Precision: Probing Question Generation for Architectural Information Elicitation
Gokul Rejithkumar TCS Research, Preethu Rose Anish TCS Research, Jyoti Shukla TCS Research, Smita Ghaisas TCS Research
Why RE is not sufficiently represented in SE