ICT4S 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Stockholm, Sweden
Tue 25 Jun 2024 11:30 - 13:00 at ConverStations Room (A108) - ConverStation #1
Wed 26 Jun 2024 09:00 - 09:22 at Henrik Eriksson - Remote Presentation #2 Chair(s): Jan Bieser

Information asymmetry between building owners and suppliers of sustainable building renovations threatens to slow the energy transition. This study introduces the concept of a Digital Energy Advisor (DEA) which autonomously and transparently provides personalized guidance in an educational way about the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of sustainable buildings. The technical requirements of building a DEA are described, including model structure and input data, which connects to the barriers found in being able to realize such a tool available to the public. It is shown that while it is technically possible, data procurement costs, personal privacy via GDPR, and the intellectual property of private firms establish the limits for creating a non-profit, publicly accessible DEA. Technical and commercial pathways around the barriers are discussed, and the conclusion is that an open-source business model has the greatest potential for a public DEA

Tue 25 Jun

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

11:00 - 13:00
ConverStation #1Research Papers / Journal First at ConverStations Room (A108)

This session will follow the ConverStation format where all papers will be discussed simultaneoiusly, in three rounds.

ConverStation - Introduction
Research Papers
Elina Eriksson KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Research paper
“That is what we can influence”: Exploring energy practices negotiability in households with solar panels using an always-on display
Research Papers
Jorge Luis Zapico , Arjun Rajendran Menon KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Björn Hedin KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Research paper
Empowering Organizations for Sustainable Digitalization: a Corporate Digital Responsibility Maturity Model Approach
Research Papers
Aiste Rugeviciute University of La Rochelle, Vincent Courboulay University of La Rochelle
ICT sector electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions – 2020 outcome
Journal First
Jens Malmodin Ericsson Research, Nina Lovehagen Ericsson, Pernilla Bergmark Ericsson Research, Ericsson AB, Dag Lunden Telia
Research paper
PluriCards: Engaging with the Pluriverse to Find New Sustainability Research Directions
Research Papers
Maurizio Teli Aalborg University, Denmark, Markus Löchtefeld Aalborg University, Denmark, Petko Karadechev Aalborg University, Denmark, Rikke Hagensby Jensen Aarhus University, Denmark, Victor Vadmand Jensen Aalborg University, Denmark, Helena Amalie Haxvig University of Trento, Italy
Research paper
Exploring the Impact of K-Anonymisation on the Energy Efficiency of Machine Learning Algorithms
Research Papers
Yixin Hu Sun Yat-sen University, Pepijn de Reus University of Amsterdam, Ana Oprescu University of Amsterdam, Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Vit Zemanek University of Amsterdam
Research paper
How to Sustainably Monitor ML-Enabled Systems? Accuracy and Energy Efficiency Tradeoffs in Concept Drift Detection
Research Papers
Rafiullah Omar , Justus Bogner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Vincenzo Stoico Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Henry Muccini University of L'Aquila, Italy, Joran Leest Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Overcoming challenges in life cycle assessment of smart energy systems – A map of solution approaches
Journal First
Daniela Wohlschlager Research Center for Energy Economics (FfE e.V.) & TU Munich, Hannes Blum Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), Severin Beucker Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability, Johanna Pohl Technische Universität Berlin, Magnus Fröhling Technical University of Munich
Research paper
Life cycle assessment of digitalization in buildings: The case of a building monitoring system
Research Papers
Shoaib Azizi , Anna Furberg , Marco Molinari KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Goran Finnveden KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Research paper
The Effect of Analytical Tools on Energy Consumption in Websites
Research Papers
Panu Puhtila University of Turku, Lauri Kivimaki University of Turku, Timi Heino University of Turku, Jari-Matti Mäkelä University of Turku, Sampsa Rauti University of Turku, Tuomas Mäkilä University of Turku
Research paper
Evidence synthesis of indirect impacts of digitalisation on energy and emissions
Research Papers
Charlie Wilson Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Maureen Agnew Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Felippa Amanta Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Yee Van Fan Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Poornima Kumar Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Marcel Seger Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
Research paper
From Crop to Click – Organic and Digital Transformation of Out-of-Home Catering Value Chains in Germany
Research Papers
Tamara Scheerer Reutlingen University, Dieter Hertweck Reutlingen University, Tim Hakenberg Rottenberg University
Research paper
The Potential and Limits of Digital Energy Advisors
Research Papers
Nelson Sommerfeldt KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Mattias Höjer KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Research paper
Decision-Making under Environmental Complexity: Shifting from Avoided Impacts of ICT Solutions to Systems Thinking Approaches
Research Papers

Wed 26 Jun

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

09:00 - 10:30
Remote Presentation #2Research Papers / Journal First at Henrik Eriksson
Chair(s): Jan Bieser Bern University of Applied Science

Group 6

Zoom - https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/68775095116

(Join Breakout room - Henrik Eriksson)

Research paper
The Potential and Limits of Digital Energy Advisors
Research Papers
Nelson Sommerfeldt KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Mattias Höjer KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Research paper
Tackling Climate Change with AI: Research Gaps and Needs to Align Machine Learning with Greenhouse Gas Reductions
Research Papers
Jan Bieser Bern University of Applied Science
Research paper
Sustainability design in industry and academia
Research Papers
John Krogstie , Costas Boletsis SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Dimitra Chasanidou Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, Andrea Alessandro Gasparini University of Oslo
ICT sector electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions – 2020 outcome
Journal First
Jens Malmodin Ericsson Research, Nina Lovehagen Ericsson, Pernilla Bergmark Ericsson Research, Ericsson AB, Dag Lunden Telia

Information for Participants
Tue 25 Jun 2024 11:00 - 13:00 at ConverStations Room (A108) - ConverStation #1
Info for session

Please ensure that you take a ticket to a particular paper in each round

Wed 26 Jun 2024 09:00 - 10:30 at Henrik Eriksson - Remote Presentation #2 Chair(s): Jan Bieser
Info for session

Virtual Only session - https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/68775095116

(Join Breakout room - Henrik Eriksson)

  • Check the ICT4S email you received on Monday for the password or the link with the password included
  • On-site attendees, use the QR Code on the ICT4S 2024 guide you received at registration