Registered user since Thu 15 Jul 2021
I am a Professor of Computer Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.
My research focuses on software development paradigms and tools.
On the paradigms side, I develop programming languages to enable the visions of “software as a service (SaaS)” and “software product-lines” by providing large-scale module concepts with built-in support for adaptability and extensibility.
On the tools side, I work on intelligent software-development environments that guide developers to increase the development productivity and the software quality. Such environment leverage web-based resources to automatically generate and recommend established programming rules and patterns; they also enable architects to explicitly specify such patterns to be enforced during development.
I have (co)authored over 100 scientific publications in renowned publication venues in software engineering and programming languages. I regularly serve on steering committees, program committees, and editorial boards of top tier conferences and journals in software engineering and programming languages.
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