Registered user since Thu 5 Apr 2018
Themistoklis Diamantopoulos works as a post-doctoral researcher on Data Mining and Software Engineering. He has a Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MSc in Computer Science from the University of Edinburgh. Furthermore, he has received his PhD in the field of applying Data Mining techniques on Software Engineering data at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has worked as a research associate in the Informatics and Telematics Institute (ITI) of Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (CERTH) and currently works at the Intelligent Systems and Software Engineering Labgroup (ISSEL). His research interests include the areas of Data Engineering, Data Mining, Software Engineering, Software Quality, and Machine Learning. He has participated and still participates in multiple EU-funded and national research projects (eCOMPASS, S-CASE, SEAF, VITAL, ECO-READY) both as a researcher and as an active software engineer.
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