ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
Kevin Buffardi

Registered user since Sat 4 Feb 2023

Name:Kevin Buffardi

Dr. Kevin Buffardi is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at California State University, Chico (Chico State). Kevin applies his passion for learning and computation to Computer Science education research and in investigating how to support students learning software development skills. He specializes in eLearning, adaptive learning systems, software testing, and also leads a professional development program for future K-12 CS teachers. Kevin earned his B.S. in Computer Science from University of Mary Washington, M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction from DePaul University, and Ph.D. from Virginia Tech. He whole-heartedly supports efforts to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in computing so that more people from a variety of backgrounds can experience the privilege of learning how to change the world via computing.

Country:United States
Affiliation:California State University, Chico
Research interests:Computer Science Education Research; Adaptive Learning; Software Testing; Software Engineering Education; Data Science


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