Registered user since Fri 24 Jan 2020
Jason Xue is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO’s Data61, Australia. His current research interests are machine learning security and privacy, system and software security, and Internet measurement. He is the recipient of the ACM CCS Best Paper Award Runner-Up, ACM SIGSOFT distinguished paper award, Best Student Paper Award, and the IEEE best paper award, and his work has been featured in the mainstream press, including The New York Times, Science Daily, PR Newswire, Yahoo, The Australian Financial Review, and The Courier. He currently serves on the Program Committees of IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland) 2023, ACM CCS 2022, USENIX Security 2022, NDSS 2022, and ACM ICSE 2023. He is a member of both ACM and IEEE.
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