ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
Shouvick Mondal

Registered user since Tue 4 Feb 2020

Name:Shouvick Mondal

I lead the Software Engineering and Testing Group at CSE, IIT Gandhinagar. Research activities focus on the improvement of existing and the development of new scalable and performant software analysis methodologies to ensure construction of high-quality and trustworthy software systems. Our work has been published and presented in conferences and journals such as ASE, FSE, ICSME, ICST, JSS, EMSE, and TSE. I regularly serve as a Program Committee member in the Artifact Evaluation track of conferences such as ISSTA, and PPoPP. I am also a journal reviewer for TSE, JSS, IST, and SCP.

Affiliation:IIT Gandhinagar, India
Research interests:Software Engineering, Software Testing, Empirical Studies


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