Registered user since Fri 15 Feb 2019
Stéphanie Challita is an associate professor of software engineering at the University of Rennes in France. She teaches at the engineering school ESIR and she is a member of DiverSE research team, which is joint to CNRS, Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique and Irisa. Until September 2020, she was a postdoctoral researcher at I3S laboratory & Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée. She was also a lecturer at University Côte d’Azur. She obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science from University of Lille in 2018. She prepared her thesis at Inria Lille – Nord Europe within the Spirals research team. Her thesis focuses on automatically inferring models from Cloud APIs and reasoning over them. Her research is about Model-Driven Engineering, Software Language Engineering, Reverse-Engineering and Cloud Computing. For more information, see https://stephaniechallita.github.io/
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