Registered user since Sun 7 Apr 2019
I am an assistant professor at the Formal Methods and Tools group at the University of Twente. My research is connected to formal verification and synthesis, including the efficient solving of parity games, using binary decision diagrams in formal methods and SAT/SMT solving with multi-core parallelism. I like making and improving usable research tools.
My PhD thesis was on parallelizing decision diagram algorithms. I implemented the Sylvan multi-core decision diagram package, which supports binary decision diagrams and multi-way (list) decision diagrams with custom leaves (booleans, integers, rational functions, etc). The package is used in several applications, including the model checkers LTSmin, STORM and ISCASMC, as well as the symbolic bisimulation minimisation tool SigrefMC. After my PhD, I worked as a Postdoc in the Formal Models and Verification group of Armin Biere, where I mostly studied parity games.
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