Call for Papers
We invite submissions to EASE 2025 Posters and Vision Track that align with the conference topics and fall into one of the following categories:
(1) Vision Papers
Vision papers offer researchers the opportunity to publish exciting new directions or techniques that may not yet be supported by solid experimental results but are nonetheless supported by strong and well-argued scientific intuitions and concrete plans going forward.
The vision papers should not exceed six pages (including figures, tables, and references).
(2) Posters
Posters enable researchers to publish late-breaking results, technical descriptions, smaller research contributions, and works-in-progress in a concise and visible format.
Poster submissions are intended to promote discussion on recent advances, experiences, challenges, and cutting-edge or potentially disruptive ideas. The scope includes novel ideas or visions of the future, industrial experiences, and early results for evaluating and assessing software products, processes, practices, tools & techniques.
The authors need to submit a two-page extended abstract (including figures, tables, and references) with inclusion in the proceedings that summarizes:
- the problem addressed by the poster,
- the approach taken by the authors,
- the main results achieved so far.
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions must be made via Easychair.
Submitted papers must be written in English, contain original, unpublished work, and conform to the ACM Proceedings Format.
Papers submitted for consideration must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere during the review process.
The conference strictly enforces the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.
Review Process:
The authors should comply with the SIGSOFT Open Science Policies. We will employ a double-anonymous review process. The authors should not include their names or affiliations in submissions. Any online supplements, replication packages, etc., referred to in the work should also be anonymized. After the notification deadline, authors of accepted papers will be asked to complete a copyright form and receive further instructions for preparing their camera-ready versions. All accepted papers and extended abstracts will be published in the conference electronic proceedings and appear in the ACM digital library.
Attendance Expectation:
At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register and present the results at EASE 2025.