Call for Papers
This track focuses on future-oriented research studies related to different topics in software engineering. The track encourages submissions related to empirical software engineering research that focuses on diverse set of topics. Submitted publications are expected to propose and discuss ideas that are futuristic in nature and will pioneer new avenues of software engineering research.
We encourage two categories of submissions:
Short Paper: This track focuses on topics that include but are not limited to:
- Early results of an on-going research in under-explored areas.
- Empirical studies that result diverge dramatically from the expectations, and the researchers do not find what they were looking for.
- Replication and confirmation of empirical studies, when a new empirical study confirms previously well-known results.
- Research on controversial topics.
- Revaluating and critiquing established empirical methods.
Emerging Results Paper: This track focuses on topics that include but are not limited to:
- AI for software engineering and software engineering for AI
- Emerging ideas in software engineering, such as quantum computing, DevOps, and scientific computing.
- Empirical evaluation related to sustainability in software engineering
- New applications and advances in design science, case studies, action-research, and field studies, including multilevel and/or mixed methods research designs
- New paradigms of technology transfer to the industry
How to Submit
All papers must be submitted in PDF format through Easychair submission system.
Submissions must not exceed 6 pages, including all figures, tables, references, and appendices.
All submissions should use the official ACM Primary Article Template. Deviating from the ACM formatting instructions may lead to a desk rejection. LaTeX users should use the following options:
\acmConference[EASE 2025]{The 29th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering}{17–20 June, 2025}{Istanbul, Turkey}
Authors must comply with the SIGSOFT Open Science Policy (i.e., to archive data and artifacts in a permanent repository—e.g., Zenodo, not GitHub—to the extent ethically and practically possible, and include links in a Data Availability section in their manuscripts)
EASE 2025 will employ a double-anonymous review process. Do not include author names or affiliations in submissions. All references to the author’s prior work should be in the third person. Any online supplements, replication packages, etc., referred to in the work should also be anonymized. Advice for sharing supplements anonymously can be found here
By submitting to EASE, authors agree to the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism, Misrepresentation, and Falsification. Papers submitted to EASE must not be published or under review elsewhere. The Program Chairs may use plagiarism detection software under contract to the ACM. If the research involves human participants/subjects, the authors must adhere to the ACM Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects.