Artifact for "Using Reactive Synthesis: An End-to-End Exploratory Case Study"
This is an artifact abstract for the ICSE’23 paper “Using Reactive Synthesis: An End-to-End Exploratory Case Study”.
The purpose of the artifact is to allow the readers of the paper to examine and replicate the exploratory study.
The artifact includes the following files: - Research Protocol.pdf contains the full protocol of the case study, including: (1) all the technical instructions for workshop participants, for example, git conventions and instructions for communication on Slack, and (2) the description of the four tasks as given to the participants. - Consent.pdf contains the consent form signed by all the participants. - Code Book.xlsx contains the codes for qualitative analysis of Slack communication with participants. - The zip ExploratoryCaseStudySpecs contains all the final versions of the specifications developed by the participants.
The artifact is a available from Zenodo at: