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ICSE 2023
Sun 14 - Sat 20 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia

Call for Papers

The ICSE 2023 Industry Forum track invites members of the software engineering industry to present innovative solutions or challenging problems in the domain of software development.

The objective of this track is to promote a dialogue between industry practitioners and academic researchers. We specifically look for submissions on the critical challenges industry faces in software engineering, innovative solutions built to address these challenges, success stories related to innovative tools and practices, and lessons learnt from industry experience. This track seeks submissions in all areas of software engineering. Marketing or public relations material for tools or products are not solicited.


We seek two types of submissions. Authors of accepted submissions will be invited to present at the forum. The primary difference between the two submission types is whether the abstract will be published in the ICSE 2023 proceedings.

Presentation proposals (maximum 300 words): The submission should include an abstract for a proposed talk at the forum. The abstract will not be published in the ICSE 2023 proceedings.

Short Papers (maximum 4 pages plus references): These short papers will be published in the ICSE 2023 proceedings.

The submissions should discuss challenges, solutions, success stories, and/or lessons learned based on industrial experiences. We encourage short papers that outline a new research challenge, arising from industrial software practice and experience. A challenge paper should clearly articulate the problem and motivate it in terms of its potential for industrial impact and/or its practical importance. These challenge papers can provide a growing pool of well-defined industrially relevant problems for the research community to tackle.

Submissions can include figures, tables, and diagrams (within the page limits).

Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:

  • API design and evolution

  • Apps and app store analysis

  • Autonomic systems and self adaptation

  • Configuration management

  • Crowd-based software engineering

  • Debugging and fault localization

  • Design for quality, incl. privacy and security by design

  • Distributed and collaborative software engineering

  • Diversity, inclusion, fairness of software

  • Embedded and cyber-physical systems

  • Ethics in software engineering

  • Evolution and maintenance

  • Feedback, user, and requirements management

  • Formal methods

  • Green and sustainable technologies

  • Human aspects of software engineering

  • Human-computer interaction

  • Legal aspects of software engineering

  • Machine learning with and for SE

  • Mining software repositories

  • Model checking

  • Modeling and model-driven engineering

  • Parallel and distributed systems

  • Performance analysis and testing

  • Privacy and security

  • Program analysis

  • Program comprehension

  • Program repair

  • Program synthesis

  • Programming languages

  • Recommender systems

  • Refactoring

  • Release engineering and DevOps

  • Reliability and safety

  • Requirements engineering

  • Reverse engineering

  • SE for machine learning

  • Search-based software engineering

  • Software architecture and product design

  • Software economics

  • Software ecosystems

  • Software metrics and prediction models

  • Software processes

  • Software reuse

  • Software services and cloud-based systems

  • Software testing

  • Software traceability

  • Software visualization

  • Variability and product lines

All submissions should include a title and the authors’ full names and affiliations. Submissions must be written in English and must be in PDF format. Submissions must conform to the IEEE conference proceedings template, specified in the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type, LaTeX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or compsocconf options).

Submissions should be made through HotCRP: https://icse2023-industry-forum.hotcrp.com/


All submissions will be reviewed by members of the ICSE Industry Forum Committee. Submissions will be evaluated based on the practicality to industry, originality, potential for discussion at the forum, and relevance to software engineering.

It is not necessary for authors to hide their identities in their submissions (as the review process is not double-anonymous.)

Submissions must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere.

Please note, that the author list cannot be changed after a submission has been accepted for publication. The submission title may be changed after acceptance, however only with the permission of the track chairs and on recommendation of the reviewers.

Open Science and Data Availability for Industry Forum (Optional)

ICSE2023 encourages Open Science and Data Availability. However, we recognise that for industry submissions making information publicly available may not be possible due to commercial, contractual, policy or regulatory reasons. Data availability is not a mandatory requirement for the Industry Forum..

Authors are encouraged to share artifacts related to their study provided that there are no ethical, legal, technical, economic, or sensible barriers preventing the disclosure. Artifacts may include, but are not limited to, raw and transformed data, extended proofs, appendices, analysis scripts, software, virtual machines and containers, and qualitative codebooks. For more details on how to share such artifacts, see the ICSE 2023 Open Science Policy .

All submissions should include a Data Availability section, including those that are not able to disclose their data by providing a short statement for the reasons (ethical, NDA, etc.).

Upon acceptance, authors have the possibility to separately submit their supplementary material to the ICSE 2023 Artifact Evaluation track , for recognition of artifacts that are reusable, available, replicated or reproduced.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 8 Feb 2023

Notifications: 3 Mar 2023

Camera-ready: 17 Mar 2023

Accepted Papers

Automated Feature Document Review via Interpretable Deep Learning
Industry Forum
Boosting Static Analysis with Dynamic Runtime Data at WhatsApp Server
Industry Forum
Can we Knapsack Software Defect Prediction? Nokia 5G Case
Industry Forum
Challenges and Solution Strategies to Setup an MLOps Process to Develop and Assess a Driverless Regional Train Example
Industry Forum
Challenges of Evolving Legacy Software in a Small Team
Industry Forum
Challenges of Testing an Evolving Cancer Registration Support System in Practice
Industry Forum
Cloud Fitness Engineering (Presentation Proposal)
Industry Forum
Enhancing Maritime Data Standardization and Integrity using Docker and Blockchain
Industry Forum
Personalized action suggestions in low-code automation platforms
Industry Forum
Prioritizing Industrial Security Findings in Agile Software Development Projects
Industry Forum
Towards formal repair and verification of industry-scale deep neural networks
Industry Forum
UnitTestBot: Automated Unit Test Generation for C Code in Integrated Development Environments
Industry Forum


Thu 18 May 2023
ICSE DEMO - Demonstrations
ICSE Industry Forum
ICSE Journal-First Papers
ICSE NIER - New Ideas and Emerging Results
ICSE Posters
ICSE SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training
ICSE SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice
ICSE SEIS - Software Engineering in Society
ICSE Showcase
ICSE Technical Track
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Thu 18 May

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11:00 - 12:30
Industry forum 1Industry Forum at Meeting Room 112
Chair(s): Kelly Blincoe University of Auckland
Boosting Static Analysis with Dynamic Runtime Data at WhatsApp Server
Industry Forum
Personalized action suggestions in low-code automation platforms
Industry Forum
Saksham Gupta Microsoft, Gust Verbruggen Microsoft, Mukul Singh Microsoft, Sumit Gulwani Microsoft, Vu Le Microsoft
Towards formal repair and verification of industry-scale deep neural networks
Industry Forum
Satoshi Munakata Fujitsu, Susumu Tokumoto Fujitsu Limited, Koji Yamamoto Fujitsu, Kazuki Munakata Fujitsu
Challenges and Solution Strategies to Setup an MLOps Process to Develop and Assess a Driverless Regional Train Example
Industry Forum
Marc Zeller Siemens AG, Martin Rothfelder Siemens AG, Cornel Klein Siemens AG
Automated Feature Document Review via Interpretable Deep Learning
Industry Forum
yeming ZTE Corporation, Yuanfan Chen ZTE Corporation, Xin Zhang Peking University, Jinning He ZTE, Jicheng Cao ZTE Corporation, Dong Liu ZTE, Shengyu Cheng ZTE Corporation, Jing Gao ZTE Corporation, Hailiang Dai ZTE Corporation
13:45 - 15:15
Industry forum 2Industry Forum at Meeting Room 112
Chair(s): Steve Versteeg Microsoft
Challenges of Testing an Evolving Cancer Registration Support System in Practice
Industry Forum
Christoph Laaber Simula Research Laboratory, Tao Yue Simula Research Laboratory, Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory, Thomas Schwitalla Cancer Registry of Norway, Jan F. Nygård Cancer Registry of Norway
Can we Knapsack Software Defect Prediction? Nokia 5G Case
Industry Forum
Szymon Stradowski Nokia & Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Lech Madeyski Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
UnitTestBot: Automated Unit Test Generation for C Code in Integrated Development Environments
Industry Forum
Dmitry Ivanov Huawei, Alexey Babushkin , Saveliy Grigoryev Huawei, Pavel Iatchenii , Vladislav Kalugin Huawei, Egor Kichin Huawei, Egor Kulikov Huawei, Aleksandr Misonizhnik Saint-Petersburg State University, Dmitry Mordvinov Huawei, Sergey Morozov Huawei, Olga Naumenko Huawei, Alexey Pleshakov , Pavel Ponomarev Meta; Georgia Institute of Technology, Svetlana Shmidt Huawei, Alexey Utkin , Vadim Volodin , Arseniy Volynets
Challenges of Evolving Legacy Software in a Small Team
Industry Forum
Bowie Owens CSIRO, Geoffrey Lee CSIRO, Zili Zhu CSIRO, Thomas Lo CSIRO
Prioritizing Industrial Security Findings in Agile Software Development Projects
Industry Forum
Markus Voggenreiter Siemens Technology / LMU Munich, Ulrich Schöpp fortiss GmbH
Enhancing Maritime Data Standardization and Integrity using Docker and Blockchain
Industry Forum
Shuai Wang DNV AS, Nikita Karandikar DNV AS, Knut Erik Knutsen DNV AS, Xiao Gang Tony Tong DNV Global, Tom Edseth DNV AS, Zealo Xu Zile DNV Global

Unscheduled Events

Not scheduled
Cloud Fitness Engineering (Presentation Proposal)
Industry Forum