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ICSE 2023
Sun 14 - Sat 20 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia

This artifact provides BFTDetector that automatically analyzes and detects the business flow tampering flaws for digital content service in order to claim Artifact Evaluated (Reusable) and Artifact Available. The tool is proposed in the accepted paper “BFTDetector: Automatic Detection of Business Flow Tampering for Digital Content Service”, ICSE 2023. The artifact includes 1) BFTDetector tool written in Python and NodeJS, 2) pre-build Chromium containing a modified V8 JavaScript engine, 3) Python APIs that can execute the tool, and 4) example scripts to reproduce the motivating examples and case studies. Technology skills to evaluate the artifact are Pythton3 and base knowledge of setting up environments on Linux. BFTDetector is implemented and tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Any Ubuntu distribution above 16.04 would be enough. It is highly recommended to use more than 16GB RAM. It also requires Python3 and NodeJS (>=16.x) environment. This artifact is publicly available at https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/https://github.com/jspaper22/bftdetector