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ICSE 2023
Sun 14 - Sat 20 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia
Wed 17 May 2023 15:00 - 15:07 at Meeting Room 109 - Developers' behaviors Chair(s): Brittany Johnson

iTrace is community eye-tracking infrastructure that enables conducting eye-tracking studies within an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It consists of a set of tools for gathering eye-tracking data on large real software projects within an IDE during studies on source code. Once the raw eye-tracking data is collected, processing is necessary before it can be used for analysis. Rather than provide the raw data for researchers to analyze and write their own customize scripts, we introduce iTrace-Toolkit - a suite of tools that assists with combining different data files generated from iTrace and its IDE plugins (namely Visual Studio, Atom, and Eclipse). iTrace-Toolkit also provides the crucial mapping of the valid raw eye-tracking data to source code tokens and finally generates fixations (an important metric in eye-tracking for comprehension) using three commonly used algorithms based on distance and velocity of eye movements. iTrace-Toolkit keeps track of all participant data and tasks during a given study and produces a complete lightweight database of the raw, mapped, and fixation data that is standardized and ready to be used by statistical tools. A simple GUI interface is provided for quick access to filter the data after an eye-tracking study. iTrace-Toolkit also allows for the export of the data or subset of the data to text formats for further statistical processing. YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j2OsOANh8w

Wed 17 May

Displayed time zone: Hobart change

13:45 - 15:15
Is It Enough to Recommend Tasks to Newcomers? Understanding Mentoring on Good First Issues
Technical Track
Xin Tan Beihang University,, Yiran Chen Beihang University, Haohua Wu Beihang University, Minghui Zhou Peking University, Li Zhang Beihang University
From Organizations to Individuals: Psychoactive Substance Use By Professional Programmers
Technical Track
Kaia Newman University of Michigan, Madeline Endres University of Michigan, Westley Weimer University of Michigan, Brittany Johnson George Mason University
On the Self-Governance and Episodic Changes in Apache Incubator Projects: An Empirical Study
Technical Track
Likang Yin University of California at Davis, Xiyu Zhang University of California Davis, Vladimir Filkov University of California at Davis, USA
Socio-Technical Anti-Patterns in Building ML-Enabled Software: Insights from Leaders on the Forefront
Technical Track
Alina Mailach Leipzig University, Norbert Siegmund Leipzig University
Moving on from the software engineers' gambit: an approach to support the defense of software effort estimates
Technical Track
Patricia Matsubara Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Igor Steinmacher Northern Arizona University, Bruno Gadelha UFAM, Tayana Conte Universidade Federal do Amazonas
iTrace-Toolkit: A Pipeline for Analyzing Eye-Tracking Data of Software Engineering Studies
DEMO - Demonstrations
Joshua Behler Kent State University, Praxis Weston Kent State University, Drew Guarnera College of Wooster, Bonita Sharif University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, Jonathan I. Maletic Kent State University
Under the Bridge: Trolling and the Challenges of Recruiting Software Developers for Empirical Research Studies
NIER - New Ideas and Emerging Results
Ella Kokinda Clemson University, Makayla Moster Clemson University, James Dominic Clemson University, Paige Rodeghero Clemson University