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Sumon Biswas

Registered user since Fri 15 Mar 2019

Name:Sumon Biswas

Sumon Biswas is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Institute for Software Research (ISR), Carnegie Mellon University. He completed Ph.D. in Computer Science from Iowa State University (ISU). His research interests are in the intersection of Software Engineering, Programming Languages, and Artificial Intelligence. Especially, he focuses on engineering fairness property, and ethical aspects in AI based software. He is also working on ensuring the dependability of safety-critical AI/ML systems. Previously, he worked on ML software repository mining and analysis in large-scale using the Boa framework. He built Python language support for Boa to analyze ML programs and Jupyter Notebooks. He also worked in the D4 (Dependable Data-Driven Discovery) initiative at ISU towards increasing the dependability of data-driven software.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Carnegie Mellon University
Research interests:Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Programming Languages


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