ICSE 2024
Fri 12 - Sun 21 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
Hassan Sartaj

Registered user since Fri 31 Jan 2020

Name:Hassan Sartaj

Hassan Sartaj is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway. He is a Professional Member of ACM & IEEE. He is an Assistant Professor (currently on leave) at the National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences-FAST, Islamabad, Pakistan. He is also an active Reviewer of various journals including TSE, TOSEM, EMSE, ASE, JSS, SoSyM, STVR, JOT, and SCP.

Affiliation:Simula Research Laboratory
Research interests:Software Testing, Model-driven Software Engineering, Search-based Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering


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