Registered user since Mon 27 Nov 2017
I am a Professor in Computer Science at the Department of Computing & Communications at The Open University, UK. Prior to this position I was a Professor at the School of Informatics, City University London.
I have been research active in the areas of software and service engineering where I have published extensively. My research interests include service-oriented computing; secure software engineering; composition and adaptation of software systems; cloud computing; validation of software systems; and traceability of software artefacts. More recently, my research has focused on the digitalisation of the food supply chain, including the challenges of traceability, ethics and adaptation in the domain of food security.
Professionally, I have served in several academic leadership positions, including programme chair of major international software engineering conferences (ASE’05, FASE’12, ESEC/FSE’17, ICSE/NIER’18, RE’20, ICSE/Workshops’21, ICSE’22 Area Chair); member of the editorial boards of various journals (IEEE TSE, Springer JSS, and Science of Computing Programming Journal); vice-chair of the IFIP Working Group 2.9; and member of steering and programme committees of the main conferences in software engineering. I also hold a Parnas Fellowship from the Irish Software Research Centre (Lero).
I have been principal and co-investigator in European, EPSRC, and industry funded research projects, including the most recent EPSRC Internet of Food Things DE Network+ project, the UK Manufacturing Symbiosis DE Network+ project, and the SAUSE: Secure, Adaptive, Usable Software Engineering Platform Grant project.
I hold a PhD degree in Computer Science from Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, UK; and MSc and BSc degrees in Computer Science from Brazil. I was a research fellow at University College London, UK and I have worked as a software system consultant, developer and analyst in several organisations. I have also been a visiting researcher at AT&T Labs Research, USA.
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