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ICSE 2023
Sun 14 - Sat 20 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia

Prompt and accurate detection of system anomalies is essential to ensure the reliability of software systems. Unlike manual efforts that exploit all available run-time information, existing approaches usually leverage only a single type of monitoring data (often logs or metrics) or fail to make effective use of the joint information among different types of data. Consequently, many false predictions occur. To better understand the manifestations of system anomalies, we conduct a systematical study on a large amount of heterogeneous data, i.e., logs and metrics. Our study demonstrates that logs and metrics can manifest system anomalies collaboratively and complementarily, and neither of them only is sufficient. Thus, integrating heterogeneous data can help recover the complete picture of a system’s health status. In this context, we propose HADES, the first end-to-end semi-supervised approach to effectively identify system anomalies based on heterogeneous data. Our approach employs a hierarchical architecture to learn a global representation of the system status by fusing log semantics and metric patterns. It captures discriminative features and meaningful interactions from heterogeneous data via a cross-modal attention module, trained in a semi-supervised manner. We evaluate HADES extensively on large-scale simulated data and datasets from Huawei Cloud. The experimental results present the effectiveness of our model in detecting system anomalies. We also release the code and the annotated dataset for replication and future research.

Fri 19 May

Displayed time zone: Hobart change

11:00 - 12:30
Heterogeneous Anomaly Detection for Software Systems via Semi-supervised Cross-modal Attention
Technical Track
Cheryl Lee The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tianyi Yang The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Zhuangbin Chen Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, Yuxin Su Sun Yat-sen University, Yongqiang Yang Huawei Technologies, Michael Lyu The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Recommending Root-Cause and Mitigation Steps for Cloud Incidents using Large Language Models
Technical Track
Toufique Ahmed University of California at Davis, Supriyo Ghosh Microsoft, Chetan Bansal Microsoft Research, Thomas Zimmermann Microsoft Research, Xuchao Zhang Microsoft, Saravanakumar Rajmohan Microsoft 365
Eadro: An End-to-End Troubleshooting Framework for Microservices on Multi-source Data
Technical Track
Cheryl Lee The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tianyi Yang The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Zhuangbin Chen Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, Yuxin Su Sun Yat-sen University, Michael Lyu The Chinese University of Hong Kong
LogReducer: Identify and Reduce Log Hotspots in Kernel on the Fly
Technical Track
Guangba  Yu Sun Yat-Sen University, Pengfei Chen Sun Yat-Sen University, Pairui Li Tencent Inc., Tianjun Weng Tencent Inc., Haibing Zheng Tencent, Yuetang Deng Tencent, Zibin Zheng School of Software Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University
TraceArk: Towards Actionable Performance Anomaly Alerting for Online Service Systems
SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice
Zhengran Zeng Southern University of Science and Technology, Yuqun Zhang Southern University of Science and Technology, Yong Xu Microsoft Research, Minghua Ma Microsoft Research, Bo Qiao Microsoft Research, Wentao Zou , Qingjun Chen , Meng Zhang , Xu Zhang Microsoft Research, Hongyu Zhang The University of Newcastle, Xuedong Gao , Hao Fan , Saravan Rajmohan Microsoft 365, Qingwei Lin Microsoft Research, Dongmei Zhang Microsoft Research
ActivFORMS: A Formally-Founded Model-Based Approach to Engineer Self-Adaptive Systems
Journal-First Papers
Danny Weyns KU Leuven, M. Usman Iftikhar KU Leuven / Linnaeus University
Auto-Logging: AI-centred Logging Instrumentation
NIER - New Ideas and Emerging Results
Jasmin Bogatinovski Technical University Berlin, Odej  Kao Technische Universität Berlin