Registered user since Tue 18 Dec 2018
Qingwei Lin is a Sr. Principal Research Manager in the DKI (Data, Knowledge, Intelligence) area of Microsoft Research Asia. He is leading a team of researchers working on data-driven technologies for cloud intelligence, with innovations in machine learning and data mining algorithms. In cloud intelligence area, Qingwei has multiple publications in the conferences of ICSE, FSE, ASE, OSDI, NSDI, USENIX ATC, AAAI, IJCAI, SigKDD, etc. The research technologies have been transferred into multiple Microsoft product divisions, such as Microsoft Azure, Office365, Windows, Bing, etc. Qingwei hosted Microsoft company-wide “Cloud Service Intelligence Summit” as the Chair for 4 consecutive years. He joined Microsoft Research in 2006.
- Committee Member in Software Engineering in Practice within the SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice-track
- TraceArk: Towards Actionable Performance Anomaly Alerting for Online Service Systems
- Aegis: Attribution of Control Plane Change Impact across Layers and Components for Cloud Systems
- Committee Member in Technical Briefings within the Technical Briefings-track
- Did We Miss Something Important? Studying and Exploring Variable-Aware Log Abstraction
- Incident-aware Duplicate Ticket Aggregation for Cloud Systems
- CONAN: Diagnosing Batch Failures for Cloud Systems
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