Registered user since Thu 9 Mar 2017
Name:Stefan Wagner
I am a full professor of software engineering at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. I studied computer science in Augsburg and Edinburgh and hold a doctoral degree in computer science from TUM. Previously, I was professor of empirical software engineering at the University of Stuttgart. We do research on software quality, AI-supported software engineering, empirical methods and human factors for all kinds of software but with a focus on automotive software and AI-based software. I am senior member of ACM and IEEE and a member of the German GI.
Affiliation:Technical University of Munich
Personal website: https://www.cit.tum.de
Research interests:Software Quality, AI-Supported Software Engineering, Empirical Studies, Human Factors, Automotive Software, AI-Based Software
Mining Software Repositories
International Conference on Technical Debt
ICSE 2024-profile
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