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ICSE 2022
Sun 8 - Fri 27 May 2022
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GE@ICSE 2023
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10 or more
New Zealand
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United Kingdom
United States

Results (3676)

"Tomi" Oluwaseun-Apo, Carolyn
Pennsylvania State University
Abbad-Andaloussi, Amine
Institute of Computer Science, St Gallen University, Switzerland
Adams, Bram
Queen's University, Kingston, OntarioCanada
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi
Agnieszka Ciborowska
Virginia Commonwealth University
Aguirre, Nazareno
University of Rio Cuarto and CONICET, Argentina
Ahmed, Khaled
University of British Columbia (UBC)Canada
Akomolede, Tobi
FacebookUnited States
Al Awar, Nader
The University of Texas at Austin
Al Madi, Naser
Colby CollegeUnited States
Alamir, Salwa
J.P. Morgan AI ResearchUnited Kingdom
Alferez, Mauricio
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg
Alrimawi, Faeq
Lero - the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software
Altiero, Francesco
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Altmeyer, Maximilian
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Alvin, Justin
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amalfitano, Domenico
University of Naples Federico IIItaly
Aman, Navneet
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi
Anuyah, Oghenemaro
University of Notre DameUnited States
Applis, Leonhard
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Apte, Varsha
Indian Institute of technology - Bombay
Aranha, Eduardo
Federal University of Rio Grande do NorteBrazil
Arcuschin Moreno, Iván
University of Buenos Aires, ArgentinaArgentina
Ardigò, Susanna
Universita della Svizzera Italiana, SwitzerlandSwitzerland
Arshad Ahmed, Md.
National Institute of Technology SilcharIndia
Artho, Cyrille
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Asad, Moumita
Institute of Information Technology, University of DhakaBangladesh
Ayala, Claudia
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, SpainSpain
Aydin Gol, Ebru
Middle East Technical UniversityTurkey
B. Pereira, Ricardo
INESC-ID and IST, University of LisbonPortugal
Babii, Hlib
Free University of Bozen-BolzanoItaly
Babkin, Petr
J.P. Morgan AI ResearchUnited States
Bae, Kyungmin
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)South Korea
Bae, Sora
Oracle Labs, AustraliaSouth Korea
Baier, Christel
TU Dresden, GermanyGermany
Banks, Alec
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, United Kingdom
Bano, Muneera
School of Information Technology, Deakin UniversityAustralia
Bao, Tianshu
School of Computer Science and Technology, Guizhou University
Baranov, Eduard
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Barnes, Tiffany
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
Bell, Jonathan
Northeastern University
Benton, Samuel
The University of Texas at DallasUnited States
Bernius, Jan Philip
Technical University of MunichGermany
Berstad Kolltveit, Ask
Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorway
Beszédes, Árpád
Department of Software Engineering, University of SzegedHungary
Bharadwaj, Shikhar
Indian Institute of ScienceIndia
Bi, Zhangqian
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Bigonha, Mariza
Professor at Federal University of Minas GeraisBrazil
Biros, George
The University of Texas at Austin
Bodden, Eric
University of Paderborn; Fraunhofer IEMGermany
Bokil, Ashish Shashikant
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Boockmann, Jan H.
University of BambergGermany
Bosnić, Ivana
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and ComputingCroatia
Botez, Ioan
University of Groningen
Braberman, Víctor
Braga, Christiano
Universidade Federal FluminenseBrazil
Brandon, William
School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee-KnoxvilleUnited States
Broenink, Jan
University of TwenteNetherlands
Bruegge, Bernd
Technical University of Munich
Bruntink, Magiel
Software Improvement Group, NetherlandsNetherlands
Bubel, Richard
Technische Universität DarmstadtGermany
Budnik, Christof J.
Siemens Corporation, Corporate TechnologyUnited States
Burden, Håkan
Chalmers University of Technology | University of Gothenburg
Busjahn, Teresa
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft BerlinGermany
Börstler, Jürgen
Blekinge Institute of TechnologySweden
Cabrera, Christian
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Univesity of Cambridge
Camargo, Valter Vieira
Federal University of São Carlos, BrazilBrazil
Canelas, Paulo
LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de LisboaPortugal
Cao, Jialun
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Capiluppi, Andrea
University of GroningenNetherlands
Catolino, Gemma
Tilburg University & ​Jheronimus Academy of Data ScienceNetherlands
Chai, Yitian
School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Chaika, Konstantin
St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI"
Chakraborty, Sourav
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) , Kolkata, India
Singapore Management University
Chang, Xiaoning
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of SciencesChina
Chatterjee, Madhura
National Institute of Technology SilcharIndia
Chattopadhyay, Souti
Oregon State UniversityUnited States
Chawla, Geetam
Indian Insitute of Science, Bangalore
Chen, Boyuan
Centre for Software Excellence, Huawei Canada
Chen, Jinyin
College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, ChinaChina
Chen, Lin
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University
Chen, Muhao
University of Southern California
Chen, Taolue
Birkbeck University of LondonUnited Kingdom
Chen, Wei
Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Chen, Xiangping
Guangdong Key Laboratory for Big Data Analysis and Simulation of Public Opinion, School of Communication and Design, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China.
Cho, Heetae
Gyeongsang National University
Chourasia, Pranshu
Indian Institute of technology - Bombay
Chowdhury, Shafiul Azam
University of Texas at ArlingtonUnited States
Chrabaszcz, Jeffrey
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering InstituteUnited States
Church, Luke
University of Cambridge | Lund University | Lark SystemsUnited Kingdom
Ciancarini, Paolo
University of Bologna / Innopolis UniversityItaly
Cico, Orges
Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorway
Cleophas, Loek
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Stellenbosch University (SU)Netherlands
Cobos Mendez, Reynaldo
University of TwenteNetherlands
Colman, Alan
Swinburne University of TechnologyAustralia
Colombo, Vera
Università degli Studi di Milano-BicoccaItaly
Corazza, Anna
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico IIItaly
Cordeiro, Ricardo
LASIGE, Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de LisboaPortugal
Cowley, Benjamin
University of Helsinki
Cruciani, Emilio
Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, ItalyItaly
Cruzes, Daniela
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Csuvik, Viktor
Department of Software Engineering, MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, University of Szeged, Szeged, HungaryHungary
Cui, Nan
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Dadure, Pankaj
National Institute of Technology SilcharIndia
Dai, Qianwang
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dajsuren, Yanja
Eindhoven University of TechnologyNetherlands
Damevski, Kostadin
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityUnited States
Daniel Alencar Da Costa
Queen's University, Kingston, OntarioCanada
David Patón-Romero, J.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway
de Haan, Erwin
University of Groningen
de Souza, Cleidson
Vale Institute of Technology and Federal University of Pará Belém, Brazil
de Souza, Cleidson
Vale Institute of Technology and Federal University of Pará Belém, Brazil
Delicato, Flavia
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)Brazil
Deriu, Jan Milan
ZHAW School of EngineeringSwitzerland
Di Martino, Sergio
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico IIItaly
Dias Canedo, Edna
Computer Science Department - University of BrasíliaBrazil
Diehl, Stephan
Computer Science, University Trier, GermanyGermany
Dietrich, Jens
Victoria University of WellingtonNew Zealand
Dilhara, Malinda
University of Colorado Boulder, USAUnited States
Diller, Abigail
Grand Valley State UniversityUnited States
Dillig, Işıl
University of Texas at AustinUnited States
Ding, Yufei
University of California at Santa Barbara
Dingsøyr, Torgeir
Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorway
Dominguez Alvarez, Daniel
University of Verona and IMDEA Software InstituteSpain
Dong, Wei
School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, China
Dong, Yu
School of Data Science and Engineering, East China Normal University
Dou, Shihan
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Dresscher, Douwe
University of TwenteNetherlands
Du, Hung
Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute, Deakin UniversityAustralia
Duan, Haixin
Institute for Network Science and Cyberspace, Tsinghua University; Qi An Xin Group Corp.
Döllner, Jürgen
Hasso Plattner Institute, Digital Engineering Faculty, University of Potsdam
Ebert, Sebastian
Technische Universität DresdenGermany
Echeverria, Sebastian
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering InstituteUnited States
Egyed, Alexander
Johannes Kepler University LinzAustria
Eiers, William
University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
El Boussaidi, Ghizlane
École de Technologie SupérieureCanada
IRISA (UMR CNRS) - Univ. Bretagne-Sud (UBS)France
Erata, Ferhat
Yale UniversityUnited States
Erlenhov, Linda
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden / University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Esnoul, Coralie
Institute For Energy Technology (IFE)Norway
Etien, Anne
Université de Lille, CNRS, Inria, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 –CRIStALFrance
Etter, Marc
OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied SciencesSwitzerland
Evtikhiev, Mikhail
JetBrains ResearchRussia
F. Ferreira, João
INESC-ID and IST, University of LisbonPortugal
FAHMY, Hazem
University of LuxembourgLuxembourg
Falleri, Jean-Rémy
Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, CNRS, LaBRI. Institut Universitaire de France.France
Feld, Sebastian
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Feng, Chao
National University of Defense Technology
Feng, Qiong
Nanjing University of Science and TechnologyChina
Ferino, Samuel
Federal University of Rio Grande do NorteBrazil
Fernandes, João Paulo
LIACC, Universidade do Porto, Porto, PortugalPortugal
Fernandes, Marcelo
Federal Institute of Rio Grande do NorteBrazil
Fiondella, Lance
University of Massachusetts DartmouthUnited States
First, Emily
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Fischer, Bernd
Stellenbosch University, South AfricaSouth Africa
Foth, Philipp
Technical University of MunichGermany
Fu, Xiang
Institute for Quantum Information & State Key Laboratory of High Performance Computing, College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, ChinaChina
Gafford, Benjamin
Carnegie Mellon University
Gamblin, Todd
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Gan, Benjamin Kok Siew
School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University
Gao, Xiang
Beihang University, ChinaChina
Gao, Yu
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaChina
Gary, Kevin
Arizona State University
Geng, Mingyang
National University of Defense Technology
Giese, Holger
Hasso Plattner Institute, University of PotsdamGermany
Gissurarson, Matthías Páll
Chalmers University of Technology, SwedenSweden
Godfrey, Michael W.
University of Waterloo, CanadaCanada
Gopinath, Dr. K.
Indian Institute of Science, Banglore
Gordon, Colin
Drexel UniversityUnited States
Grosu, Radu
Vienna University of TechnologyAustria
Gu, Shanzhi
Hunan Huishiwei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Guo, Yiyuan
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Ant Group
Gupta, Nakshatra
Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi
Günnemann, Stephan
Technical University of Munich (TUM) & Munich Data Science Institute, Germany
H. Pham, Long
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Hao, Yu
University of California at Riverside, USAChina
Harman, Mark
University College LondonUnited Kingdom
Harman, Mark
Meta Platforms, Inc. and UCLUnited Kingdom
Hasan, Osman
National University of Sciences & Technology
Hasheela-Mufeti, Victoria
United States International University – AfricaFinland
Hassan, Foyzul
University of Michigan - DearbornUnited States
Hatfield-Dodds, Zac
Australian National University
Haug, Markus
University of Stuttgart, Institute of Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering GroupGermany
Hayashi, Shinpei
Tokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan
He, Haochen
National University of Defense TechnologyChina
He, Qiang
Swinburne University of TechnologyAustralia
He, Xincheng
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University
Hejderup, Joseph
Endor Labs & Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Heseding, Fabian
Hasso Plattner Institute, Digital Engineering Faculty, University of Potsdam
Heydari Tabar, Asmae
Technical University of DarmstadtGermany
Heyn, Hans-Martin
University of Gothenburg & Chalmers University of TechnologySweden
Hildebrandt, Carl
University of VirginiaSouth Africa
Hinnerskov, Joakim Hey
IT University of Copenhagen
Hita Kambhamettu, Rajeswari
Carnegie Mellon University
Hoang, Thong
Singapore Management University, SingaporeSingapore
Honiden, Shinichi
Waseda University / National Institute of Informatics, JapanJapan
Hou, Qinsheng
Shandong University; Qi An Xin Group Corp.China
Hsu, Jane
National Taiwan UniversityTaiwan
Hu, Songlin
Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Huang, Cheng-Chao
Nanjing Institute of Software Technology, ISCAS
Huang, Shihong
Florida Atlantic UniversityUnited States
Huang, Tao
Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences
Huang, Yu
Vanderbilt UniversityUnited States
Huang, Yuan
School of Data and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Huang, Yuchao
Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences
Huidobro, Jorge Romeu
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Humphrey, Laura
Air Force Research LaboratoryUnited States
Hussein, Soha
University of Minnesota, USA / Ain Shams University, Egypt
Huynh, Quyet Thang
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Idowu, Samuel
Chalmers | University of GothenburgSweden
Idrees Sarhan, Qusay
Department of Software Engineering, University of SzegedHungary
Ihantola, Petri
University of HelsinkiFinland
Ishimwe, Didier
University of Nebraska-LincolnUnited States
Islam, Md Johirul
Iowa State UniversityUnited States
Ivers, James
Carnegie Mellon University, USAUnited States
Jabrayilzade, Elgun
Bilkent UniversityTurkey
Jafari, Abbas Javan
Concordia University, Canada
Jahangirova, Gunel
USI LuganoSwitzerland
Jahanshahi, Mahmoud
Research Assistant, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Jain, Kush
Carnegie Mellon UniversityUnited States
Jbara, Ahmad
School of Computer Science, Netanya Academic CollegeIsrael
Jiang, Hanzhi
Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of SciencesChina
Jiang, He
School of Software, Dalian University of TechnologyChina
Jiang, Lin
Beijing Institute of Technology
Jiang, Yuze
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jiang, Ziyou
Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of SciencesChina
Johnson, Kenneth
Auckland University of TechnologyNew Zealand
Jordan, Claudius
Technical University of MunichGermany
Jost, Patrick
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Juristo, Natalia
Universidad Politecnica de MadridSpain
Kabir, Md Mahir Asef
Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech
Kadam, Tushar
Indian Institute of ScienceIndia
Kakehi, Yoshiki
Georgia Institute of TechnologyUnited States
Kalburgi, Goutamkumar Tulajappa
Northern Arizona UniversityUnited States
Kalhauge, Christian Gram
Technical University of DenmarkDenmark
Kamil, Amir
University of MichiganUnited States
Kanewala, Upulee
University of North FloridaUnited States
Kao, Dominic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Katsikas, Sokratis
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway
Kehagias, Dionysios
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keshavarz, Hossein
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
Kharat, Nilesh Ramesh
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
khoshnoud, fatemeh
Department of Computer Science and Engineering and IT; School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shiraz University
Kim, Doowon
University of Tennessee, KnoxvilleUnited States
Kochanthara, Sangeeth
Eindhoven University of Technology
Kotti, Zoe
Athens University of Economics and BusinessGreece
Kreminski, Max
University of California, Santa Cruz
Krinkin, Kirill
St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI"
Kulesza, Uirá
Federal University of Rio Grande do NorteBrazil
Kumar, Suraj
Indian Institute of technology - Bombay
Kurtz, Bob
George Mason University, USAUnited States
Laghari, Gulsher
University of Antwerp, Belgium; University of Sindh, PakistanPakistan
Lajkó, Márk
Department of Software Engineering, MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
Lam, Wing
University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUnited States
Lam, Wing
University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUnited States
Lassenius, Casper
Aalto University, Finland and Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, NorwayFinland
Lawrence, Neil D.
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Univesity of Cambridge
Lee, Junhee
Korea University, South KoreaSouth Korea
Lee, Seonah
Gyeongsang National UniversitySouth Korea
Lefever, Jason
Drexel UniversityUnited States
Li, Albert
University of California Santa Barbara
Li, Chengpeng
University of Texas at AustinUnited States
Li, Jialin
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Li, Jingyue
Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorway
LI, Meiziniu
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Li, Renjue
Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Li, Yanhui
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing UniversityChina
Li, Yi
New Jersey Institute of TechnologyUnited States
Li, Ying
School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China
Li, Zhengxi
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Li, Zhenming
Northeastern University
Lin, Zeqi
Microsoft Research, China
Liu, Huai
Swinburne University of TechnologyAustralia
Liu, Hui
Beijing Institute of TechnologyChina
Liu, Kui
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, ChinaChina
Liu, Mengdi
College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University
Liu, Wanwei
National University of Defense Technology
Liu, Xu
North Carolina State University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USAUnited States
Liu, Ziheng
University of California, San Diego
Lo, David
Singapore Management UniversitySingapore
Lu, Xuesong
School of Data Science and Engineering, East China Normal UniversityChina
Lunn, Paul
The University of Manchester, UK
Luu, Quang-Hung
Swinburne University of TechnologyAustralia
López-Morales, José María
Autonomous University of Madrid
Lüttgen, Gerald
University of BambergGermany
Machado, Patrícia
Federal University of Campina Grande
MacInnis, Michael
Carleton University, Canada
Madampe, Kashumi
Monash University, AustraliaAustralia
Maipradit, Rungroj
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Malysheva, Maria
JetBrains Research;Saint Petersburg State UniversityRussia
Mao, Xiaoguang
National University of Defense TechnologyChina
Martin, James
McGill UniversityCanada
Masiero, Simone
Software Institute @ Università della Svizzera Italiana
Masood, Zainab
University of AucklandNew Zealand
Massacci, Fabio
University of Trento; Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamItaly
Mattis, Toni
Hasso Plattner Institute, University of PotsdamGermany
Mauerer, Wolfgang
OTH Regensburg / Siemens AGGermany
Maxim, Bruce
University of Michigan - DearbornUnited States
Mayr-Dorn, Christoph
Mazrae, Pooya Rostami
University of MonsBelgium
Meel, Kuldeep S.
National University of Singapore
Indraprastha Institute of Information TechnologyIndia
Mehta, Farhad
University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil, Switzerland
Mehta, Neil
NERSC, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Meijer, Willem
University of Groningen
Meira-Góes, Rômulo
Carnegie Mellon UniversityUnited States
Melgratti, Hernan
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mendes, Alexandra
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto & INESC TECPortugal
Menon, Catherine
University of HertfordshireUnited Kingdom
Menon, Harshitha
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Micco, John
VMwareUnited States
Micucci, Daniela
University of Milano-Bicocca, ItalyItaly
Milanova, Ana
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Mili, Ali
NJITUnited States
Ming, Xuran
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Misu, Md Rakib Hossain
University of California, IrvineUnited States
Mobilio, Marco
University of Milano BicoccaItaly
Mocci, Andrea
Software Institute, Università della Svizzera italiana
Mohayeji Nasrabadi, Hamid
Eindhoven University of Technology
Molina, Facundo
University of Rio Cuarto and CONICET, ArgentinaArgentina
Molnár, Vince
Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsHungary
Mongan, Dave
Xbox Game Studios PublishingUnited States
Monperrus, Martin
KTH Royal Institute of TechnologySweden
Moore, Jared
Grand Valley State University
Morshed Fahid, Fahmid
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
moshtari, sara
Rochester Institute of TechnologyUnited States
Moussa, Rebecca
University College LondonUnited Kingdom
Murphy, Brendan
Microsoft ResearchUnited States
Murphy, Michael
University of Notre DameUnited States
Musil, Angelika
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)Austria
Mytkowicz, Todd
Microsoft ResearchUnited States
Nadeem, Anas
North Dakota State University, USAUnited States
Navarro, Nacho
J.P. Morgan AI ResearchUnited States
Ng, Vincent
Human Language Technology Research Institute, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083-0688
Nguyen Duc, Anh
University College of Southeast NorwayNorway
Nguyen, Thanh-Dat
University of Melbourne
Ni, Yuandong
Institute for Network Science and Cyberspace of Tsinghua UniversityChina
Nichols, William R.
Carnegie Mellon University/Software Engineering Institute
Nicoara, Prof. Dr. Angela
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and ArtSwitzerland
Niu, Changan
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing UniversityChina
Nugroho, Yusuf Sulistyo
Nara Institute of Science and TechnologyJapan
Nunes, Ingrid
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), BrazilBrazil
Nørbjerg, Jacob
Copenhagen Business SchoolDenmark
O'Mahony, Emily
University of California Santa Barbara
Offutt, Jeff
George Mason UniversityUnited States
Oliveira, Delano
Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE)Brazil
Oliveira, Máximo
LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Oliver, Philip
Victoria University of WellingtonNew Zealand
Omri, Safa
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)Germany
Paiva, Ana
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TECPortugal
Pakray, Partha
National Institute of Technology SilcharIndia
Paleyes, Andrei
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Univesity of Cambridge
Palomeque, Carolina
ETAPA Telecommunications Company
Pandey, Ashutosh
Carnegie Mellon University, USA, and Facebook, Inc.United States
Papoutsoglou, Maria
Department of Computer Science - University of Cyprus
Parasyris, Konstantinos
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Pasareanu, Corina S.
Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley, NASA Ames Research Center
Peitek, Norman
Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus
Peng, Fang
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Peng, Kewen
North Carolina State University
Perez-Soler, Sara
Universidad Autónoma de MadridSpain
Peron, Adriano
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico IIItaly
Pfeiffer, Jérôme
University of Stuttgart, GermanyGermany
Phan, Quoc-Sang
Facebook, Inc.United States
Piattini, Mario
University of Castilla-La ManchaSpain
Pieper, Jöran
University of Applied Sciences Stralsund
Pietrantuono, Roberto
Università di Napoli Federico II
Pina, Luís
University of Illinois at ChicagoUnited States
Pinto, Gustavo
Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and Zup InnovationBrazil
Plourde, Marc-Antoine
Université du Québec à ChicoutimiCanada
Politowski, Cristiano
Concordia University, CanadaCanada
Pons, Lena
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering InstituteUnited States
Pontillo, Valeria
University of SalernoItaly
Pope, Matt
Brigham Young UniversityUnited States
Potanin, Alex
Australian National UniversityAustralia
Prenner, Julian
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Pretschner, Alexander
Technical University of MunichGermany
Prieto, Mike
University of Notre DameUnited States
Prince, Benjamin
University of California Santa Barbara
Q. B. da Silva, Fabio
Federal University of PernambucoBrazil
Qian, Zhiyun
University of California at Riverside, USA
Qin, Boqin
China Telecom Cloud Computing Corporation
Qin, Boqin
China Telecom Cloud Computing CorporationChina
Qin, Shengchao
Huawei Hong Kong Research Centre, ChinaChina
Raghothaman, Mukund
University of Southern CaliforniaUnited States
Raja, Anita
City University of New York (CUNY) Hunter CollegeUnited States
Rajbahadur, Gopi Krishnan
Centre for Software Excellence, Huawei, Canada
Rajput, Ashutosh
Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
Ramakrishnan, Ganesh
Indian Institute of technology - Bombay
Ramasubbu, Narayan
University of Pittsburgh, USA United States
Ramač, Robert
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi SadSerbia
Rayadurgam, Sanjai
University of MinnesotaUnited States
Reis, Sofia
Instituto Superior Técnico, U. Lisboa & INESC-IDPortugal
Reiss, Steven P.
Brown University, USA
Ren, Zhilei
Dalian University of Technology
Restivo, André
LIACC, Universidade do Porto, Porto, PortugalPortugal
Rezaei Nasab, Ali
Department of Computer Science and Engineering and IT; School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shiraz University
Ribeiro, Francisco
University of Minho & HASLab, INESCTEC
Richter, Cedric
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg / University of OldenburgGermany
Ritschel, Nico
The University of British ColumbiaCanada
Rivera, Felipe
University of Victoria
Rocha, Thaís
UFAPE - Universidade Federal do Agreste de Pernambuco
Ruan, Weijian
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ruiz, Marcela
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)Switzerland
Saha, Ripon
Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc.United States
Sakib Ahmed, Nazmus
Institute of Information Technology, University of DhakaBangladesh
Sakib, Kazi
Institute of Information Technology, University of DhakaBangladesh
Sakulniwat, Tattiya
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Salomon, Christian
Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbHAustria
Sampath, Sreedevi
University of Maryland Baltimore CountyUnited States
Sampson, Adrian
Cornell UniversityUnited States
Sankaran, Ganesh
University of California Santa Barbara
Saraiva, João
University of Minho, PortugalPortugal
Savarimuthu, Bastin Tony Roy
University of Otago, Dunedin, New ZealandNew Zealand
Scheibel, Willy
Hasso Plattner Institute, Digital Engineering Faculty, University of Potsdam
Schlichtig, Michael
Heinz Nixdorf Institute at Paderborn University
Schmiedmayer, Paul
Technical University of MunichGermany
Schneider, Daniel
Fraunhofer IESEGermany
Schneider, Larissa
Technische Hochschule MittelhessenGermany
Scholtes, Ingo
Chair of Computer Science XV - Machine Learning for Complex Networks, Julius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgGermany
Schröder, Merijn
University of Groningen
Schultes, Dominik
Technische Hochschule MittelhessenGermany
Schumi, Richard
Singapore Management University
Schwartz, Edward J.
Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute
Scogland, Tom
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Scott, Andrew
FacebookUnited States
Seifert, Dominik
National Taiwan UniversityTaiwan
Seifried, Chris
Carnegie Mellon University, USAUnited States
Semini, Laura
Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di InformaticaItaly
Sen, Koushik
University of California at BerkeleyUnited States
Serebrenik, Alexander
Eindhoven University of TechnologyNetherlands
Shah, Sameena
J.P. Morgan AI ResearchUnited States
Shareef Dar, Hafsa
University of Gujrat; International Islamic University IslamabadPakistan
Shariffdeen, Ridwan Salihin
National University of SingaporeSingapore
Sharma, Arnab
University of PaderbornGermany
Shen, Xipeng
North Carolina State University; FacebookUnited States
Shetty, Manish
Microsoft Research, IndiaIndia
Shi, Ensheng
Xi'an Jiaotong UniversityChina
Shi, Jieke
Singapore Management UniversitySingapore
Shimada, Naomichi
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Shokri, Ali
Rochester Institute of TechnologyUnited States
Shome, Arumoy
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Shrestha, Sohil Lal
The University of Texas at ArlingtonUnited States
Siddiq, Mohammed Latif
University of Notre DameUnited States
Silva, Lakmal
Blekinge Institute of TechnologySweden
Silva, Samira
Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)Italy
Singh, Vandana
School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee-KnoxvilleUnited States
Sinz, Carsten
Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyGermany
Sion, Laurens
imec-DistriNet, KU LeuvenBelgium
Sivaraman, Aishwarya
University of California, Los AngelesUnited States
Smirni, Evgenia
College of William and MaryUnited States
Smirnov, Oleg
JetBrains Research, Saint Petersburg State University
Sokolowski, Daniel
University of St. GallenSwitzerland
Song, Yang
The College of William & MaryUnited States
Sorg, Thierry
Institute of Computer Science, St Gallen University, Switzerland
Spape, Michiel
University of Helsinki
Sridharan, Manu
University of California at RiversideUnited States
Starace, Luigi Libero Lucio
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico IIItaly
Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp
Chalmers | University of GothenburgSweden
Su, Pengfei
University of California, MercedUnited States
Su, Yuhui
Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of SciencesChina
Sullivan, Allison
University of Texas at ArlingtonUnited States
Sun, Bing
Singapore Management University, Singapore
Sun, Hailong
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing,China
Sun, Shiwei
Dalian University of Technology
Sun, Weisong
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing UniversityChina
Tahsin, Noshin
Institute of Information Technology, University of DhakaBangladesh
Tan, Gang (Gary)
Pennsylvania State UniversityUnited States
Tankov, Vladislav
JetBrains, ITMO UniversityRussia
Tavares, Miguel
LASIGE, Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de LisboaPortugal
Tawosi, Vali
University College LondonUnited Kingdom
Teixeira, Leopoldo
Federal University of PernambucoBrazil
Thanh, Le-Cong
Hanoi University of Science and TechnologyVietnam
Tian, Yingchen
Beijing Institute of Technology
TIAN, Yongqiang
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; University of Waterloo
Tisi, Massimo
IMT Atlantique, LS2N (UMR CNRS 6004)France
Tizpaz-Niari, Saeid
University of Texas at El PasoUnited States
Todericiu, Ioana Alexandra
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-NapocaRomania
Tosun, Ayse
Istanbul Technical UniversityTurkey
Toudeji, Zahra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering and IT; School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shiraz University
Towey, Dave
University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaChina
Towse, John
Department of Psychology, University of Lancaster, UK
Tsigkanos, Christos
University of Bern, SwitzerlandSwitzerland
Tu, Tengfei
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Tumova, Jana
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Tuna, Erdem
Bilkent UniversityTurkey
Turrini, Andrea
State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tuya, Javier
Computer Science Department, University of OviedoSpain
Unterkalmsteiner, Michael
Blekinge Institute of TechnologySweden
Urretavizcaya, Imanol
Tecnalia, Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA)
Usman, Muhammad
Software Quality Engineering and Testing (QUEST) Laboratory, FAST-NUCES, IslamabadPakistan
Uyaguari, Fernando
ETAPA Telecommunications Company
Uzunov, Anton V.
Defence Science and Technology GroupAustralia
Valença, George
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE)Brazil
van den Brand, Mark
Eindhoven University of TechnologyNetherlands
VanHattum, Alexa
Cornell UniversityUnited States
Vegi, Lucas Francisco da Matta
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)Brazil
Veizaga, Alvaro
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Verreydt, Stef
imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven
Vinodchandran, N. V.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Visscher, David
University of Groningen
Visscher, Leon
University of Groningen
Vitek, Jan
Northeastern University; Czech Technical UniversityUnited States
Vogel, Thomas
University of Paderborn; Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinGermany
von Stein, Meriel
University of VirginiaUnited States
Walden, James
Northern Kentucky UniversityUnited States
Wan, Chengcheng
The University of ChicagoUnited States
Wan, Michael
National Taiwan UniversityTaiwan
Wang, Dong
Institute of software, Chinese academy of sciencesChina
Wang, Jie
Peking University, China / Ant Group, China / Alibaba Group, China
Wang, Tong
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Wang, Wenxi
University of Texas at AustinUnited States
Wang, Wenyu
University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUnited States
Wang, Xiao
Stevens Institute of TechnologyUnited States
Wang, Xinyi
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsChina
Wang, Yawen
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wang, Yifan
Shenzhen Research Institute of Nanjing University
Wang, Yu
School of Data Science and Engineering, East China Normal University
Wang, Yuan
Huawei Sweden Research Center
Weisenburger, Pascal
University of St. GallenSwitzerland
Wessel, Mairieli
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Wessel, Mairieli
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Wessel, Mairieli
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Whitehead, Jim
University of California, Santa CruzUnited States
Wiken Wilson, Alis
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway
Winterer, Mario
Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbHAustria
Wong, Taiyu
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua UniversityChina
Wu, Guoquan
Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Wu, Huayao
Nanjing UniversityChina
Wu, Yixiong
Institute for Network Science and Cyberspace of Tsinghua UniversityChina
Wu, Yueming
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Xia, Xin
Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology LabChina
Xiao, Xi
Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University
Xie, Sophie
University of California, BerkeleyUnited States
Xie, Xiaofei
Singapore Management University, SingaporeSingapore
Xu, Duo
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Xu, Furen
School of Software Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 519082, China
Xu, Lei
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University
Xu, Lijie
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of SciencesChina
Xu, Qingxin
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaChina
Xu, Tianyin
University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUnited States
Xu, Weiwei
School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University
Xue, Bai
Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Xue, Zhipeng
National University of Defense Technology
Yan, Jun
Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Yan, Weixiang
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Yandrapally, Rahulkrishna
University of British Columbia, CanadaCanada
Yang, Can
Institute of Information Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yang, Jing
School of Computer Science and Technology, Guizhou University
Yang, Nan
Eindhoven University of Technology, The NetherlandsNetherlands
Yang, Pengfei
Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Yang, Ping
Bytedance Network Technology
Yang, Shouliang
School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Yang, Yi
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Yang, Zijiang
Western Michigan UniversityUnited States
Yao, Peisen
The Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyChina
Ye, Hongjie
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yeh, Benson
National Taiwan UniversityTaiwan
Yi, Jooyong
UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)South Korea
Yigitbas, Enes
Paderborn University, GermanyGermany
Yin, Likang
University of California, DavisUnited States
Yoon, Juyeon
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologySouth Korea
Yu, Nengkun
University of Technology SydneyAustralia
Zahan, Nusrat
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
Zaharia, Catrinel
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, IasiRomania
Zhang, Haiyin
AI for Fintech Research, ING
Zhang, Hongming
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Zhang, Jian
Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Zhang, Jian-Guo
University of Illinois at Chicago
Zhang, Kunpeng
Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University
Zhang, Lijun
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of SciencesChina
Zhang, Lingming
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Zhang, Neng
School of Software Engineering, Sun Yat-sen UniversityChina
Zhang, Xing
National University of Defense Technology
Zhang, Yang
Hebei University of Science and TechnologyChina
Zhang, Yu
University of Science and Technology of ChinaChina
Zhang, Yuqun
Southern University of Science and TechnologyChina
Zheng, Zhuoran
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Zheng, Zibin
School of Data and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University
Zhixing Li
College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, ChinaChina
Zhou, Chenglong
National University of Defense Technology
Zhou, Haojie
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Zhou, Xiaocong
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Zhou, Yu
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsChina
Zhou, Yuren
School of Data and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University
Zhou, Zhi Quan (George)
University of Wollongong, AustraliaAustralia
Zhou, Zhide
Dalian University of Technology
Zhu, Hong
Oxford Brookes University United Kingdom
Zhu, Hongquan
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University
Zhu, Jiaxin
Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Zhu, Junting
University of WollongongAustralia
Zhu, Shihao
State Key Laboratory of Computer Science,Institute of Software,Chinese Academy of Sciences,China
Zhu, Steven
The University of Texas at Austin
Zhu, Zheling
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software and Technology, Nanjing University, 22 Hankou Road, Nanjing, China
Zieris, Franz
Freie Universität BerlinGermany
Zimmermann, Olaf
University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST)Switzerland
Zou, Deqing
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Ó Cinnéide, Mel
University College Dublin & Lero, IrelandIreland