Registered user since Tue 4 Jan 2022
Researcher and practitioner on Software Engineering. My educational background is PhD in the area of Computer Science (Free University of Bolzano Italy) Master of Computer Science (Autonomous University of Guadalajara Mexico) and Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Systems (Technological Institute of Queretaro, Mexico). Since 2007, I have served as lecturer and researcher of Computer Science. In my career, I have as well held positions as Software Engineer in General Electric Aviation, leading globalized Quality Assurance processes for certifiable airborne software. Previously, I was as research fellow of the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, (Italy). Currently, I lecture Computer Science in the School of Information Technology and Electronics of ITESM, Campus Queretaro, and I lead the Technical Education Office at GE Infrastructure Queretaro.
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