Registered user since Fri 21 Feb 2020
Name:Antonio Ruiz-Cortés
Antonio Ruiz Cortés is Professor of Software and Service Engineering at the University of Sevilla and elected member of the Academy of Europe. He currently heads the Applied Software Engineering Group at the University of Sevilla conducting research on service-oriented computing, business process management, testing and software product lines, being the recipient of the Most Influential Paper of SPLC 2017 award. He has organized several conferences, including JCIS 2008, SPLC 2017, SISTEDES 2018 and BPM 2020, and is an associate editor of Springer Computing. From September 2018 Antonio Ruiz is the President of the Spanish Society on Software Engineering (SISTEDES).
Affiliation:University of Seville
Personal website: https://www.isa.us.es/antonio.ruiz
Research interests:Service Oriented Computing, Software engineering, software architecture, automatic model analysis
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