Registered user since Wed 15 Sep 2021
Dr. Joachim Wegener studied computer science at the Technical University Berlin and received his PhD from Humboldt University Berlin. His thesis work, “Evolutionary Testing of real-time systems’ temporal behavior” gained him the “Best Dissertation in Software Engineering” award of the Ernst-Denert-Foundation and the German Computer Society, 2002.
He is the inventor of the classification tree editor (CTE, CTE XL and TESTONA) with several thousand users worldwide, and was involved in the conception of the test system TESSY. Furthermore, he contributed with more than 100 publications to advancing testing and quality assurance.
Dr. Wegener began his professional career 1991 as a scientist at Daimler AG Research and Technology. For DaimlerChrysler research and advanced development he led the software analysis and testing group as well as a group on advanced techniques in software engineering.
From 2007 to 2017 he worked for Berner & Mattner Systemtechnik GmbH, a midsize company specialized on embedded systems development, services and products. At Berner & Mattner, Joachim Wegener was responsible for the departments in Berlin, Brunswick, Cologne and Wolfsburg as well as the product development.
Since 2017 he is working in different roles for the Assystem Technologies GmbH and the Expleo Germany GmbH among others as Global Capability Manager Automotive Electronics and Director Technology. Currently, he is Leading the Expleo department on Processes, Methods and Tools with activities in safety and security engineering as well as software quality assurance and testing.
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