Registered user since Wed 24 Feb 2021
Name:Michel Albonico
I am an Adjunct Professor (between assistant and associate) at the Technological Federal University of ParanĂ¡ (UTFPR), Brazil, where I teach software engineering, software process, and distributed systems. I also lead the research group (IntelAgir), as well as technological and research projects. After a long period of studies in Brazil, I held my Ph.D. degree in Software Engineering at the IMT Atlantique, France. I also worked for one year as a postdoc researcher at the S2 Group/VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where I am still working as an external researcher. My current research lays in modern software architectures and Empirical Software Engineering.
Affiliation:Federal University of Technology - ParanĂ¡ (UTFPR)
Personal website: https://michelalbonico.github.io/
X (Twitter): https://x.com/michelalbonico
Research interests:Robotics and IoT Software, Empirical Software Engineering, Mining Software Repositories
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