Registered user since Mon 29 Jun 2020
Name:Sandra Sanchez-Gordon
Researcher and Professor of the Department of Informatics and Computer Science of Escuela Politécnica Nacional and representative of Ecuador before the Software Testing Qualifications Committee of the Latin American Region (HASTQB). Her main research interest is Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in e-Health and e-Learning environments with emphasis on accessibility for users with disabilities.
http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2940-7010 http://sandrasanchez.ciencia-online.epn.edu.ec/ sandra.sanchez@epn.edu.ec @KushiRimay
Affiliation:Escuela Politénica Nacional
Personal website: http://sandrasanchez.ciencia-online.epn.edu.ec/
Research interests:Quality, Testing, HCI, Usability, Accessibility
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