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ICSE 2022
Sun 8 - Fri 27 May 2022
Tue 10 May 2022 22:25 - 22:30 at ICSE room 1 - Mining Software Repositories 4 Chair(s): Joshua Garcia
Thu 12 May 2022 05:15 - 05:20 at ICSE room 3 - Mining Software Repositories 1 Chair(s): Ayushi Rastogi

A key issue in collaborative software development is communication among developers. One modality is commit messages, which allow developers to describe the changes they make. As such, commit messages serve as an ``audit trail'' by which developers can understand how the source code of a project has changed - and why. Hence, the quality of commit messages affects the communication among developers. Developers often write poor-quality commit messages due to a lack of time and motivation. Several automatic approaches have been proposed to generate commit messages. However, these are based on uncurated datasets including considerable proportions of poorly phrased commit messages. In this multi-method study, we first define what constitutes a ‘‘good’’ commit message, and then establish what proportion of commit messages lack information using a sample of almost 1,600 messages from five highly active open source projects. We find that an average of circa 40% of messages could be improved, suggesting the use of uncurated datasets may be a major threat when commit message generators are trained with such data. We also observe that prior work has not considered the semantics of commit messages, and there is little guidance available for writing good commit messages. To that end, we develop a taxonomy based on recurring patterns in commit messages’ expressions. Finally, we investigate whether ‘‘good’’ commit messages can be automatically identified, which can be used to prompt developers to write better commit messages.

Tue 10 May

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22:00 - 23:00
Mining Software Repositories 4Technical Track / Journal-First Papers / SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice at ICSE room 1
Chair(s): Joshua Garcia University of California, Irvine
Dependency Smells in JavaScript Projects
Journal-First Papers
Abbas Javan Jafari Concordia University, Canada, Diego Costa Concordia University, Canada, Rabe Abdalkareem Carleton University, Emad Shihab Concordia University, Nikolaos Tsantalis Concordia University
DOI Pre-print File Attached
Assisting Example-based API Misuse Detection via Complementary Artificial Examples
Journal-First Papers
Maxime Lamothe Polytechnique Montréal, Heng Li Polytechnique Montréal, Weiyi Shang Concordia University
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Breaking Type Safety in Go: An Empirical Study on the Usage of the unsafe Package
Journal-First Papers
Diego Costa Concordia University, Canada, Suhaib Mujahid Concordia University, Rabe Abdalkareem Carleton University, Emad Shihab Concordia University
Link to publication Pre-print Media Attached
Mining Idioms in the Wild
SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice
Aishwarya Sivaraman University of California, Los Angeles, Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, Andrew Scott Facebook, Tobi Akomolede Facebook, Satish Chandra Facebook
Pre-print Media Attached
AutoTransform: Automated Code Transformation to Support Modern Code Review Process
Technical Track
Patanamon Thongtanunam University of Melbourne, Chanathip Pornprasit Monash University, Kla Tantithamthavorn Monash University
Pre-print Media Attached
What Makes a Good Commit Message?Distinguished Paper Award
Technical Track
Yingchen Tian Beijing Institute of Technology, Yuxia Zhang Beijing Institute of Technology, Klaas-Jan Stol University College Cork, Lero, SINTEF, Lin Jiang Beijing Institute of Technology, Hui Liu Beijing Institute of Technology
Pre-print Media Attached

Thu 12 May

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

05:00 - 06:00
Mining Software Repositories 1Technical Track / Journal-First Papers / SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice at ICSE room 3
Chair(s): Ayushi Rastogi University of Groningen, The Netherlands
What happens in my code reviews? An investigation on automatically classifying review changes
Journal-First Papers
Enrico Fregnan University of Zurich, Switzerland, Fernando Petrulio University of Zurich, Linda Di Geronimo University of Zurich, Switzerland, Alberto Bacchelli University of Zurich
Link to publication Pre-print Media Attached
Bus Factor In Practice
SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice
Elgun Jabrayilzade Bilkent University, Mikhail Evtikhiev JetBrains Research, Eray Tüzün Bilkent University, Vladimir Kovalenko JetBrains Research
Pre-print Media Attached
AutoTransform: Automated Code Transformation to Support Modern Code Review Process
Technical Track
Patanamon Thongtanunam University of Melbourne, Chanathip Pornprasit Monash University, Kla Tantithamthavorn Monash University
Pre-print Media Attached
What Makes a Good Commit Message?Distinguished Paper Award
Technical Track
Yingchen Tian Beijing Institute of Technology, Yuxia Zhang Beijing Institute of Technology, Klaas-Jan Stol University College Cork, Lero, SINTEF, Lin Jiang Beijing Institute of Technology, Hui Liu Beijing Institute of Technology
Pre-print Media Attached
BugListener: Identifying and Synthesizing Bug Reports from Collaborative Live Chats
Technical Track
Lin Shi ISCAS, Fangwen Mu Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, YuMin Zhang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ye Yang Stevens Institute of Technology, Junjie Chen Tianjin University, Xiao Chen Monash University, Hanzhi Jiang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ziyou Jiang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qing Wang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences
Pre-print Media Attached
SZZ for Vulnerability: Automatic Identification of Version Ranges Affected by CVE Vulnerabilities
Technical Track
Lingfeng Bao Zhejiang University, Xin Xia Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology Lab, Ahmed E. Hassan Queen's University, Xiaohu Yang Zhejiang University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached

Information for Participants
Tue 10 May 2022 22:00 - 23:00 at ICSE room 1 - Mining Software Repositories 4 Chair(s): Joshua Garcia
Info for room ICSE room 1-even hours:

Click here to go to the room on Midspace

Thu 12 May 2022 05:00 - 06:00 at ICSE room 3 - Mining Software Repositories 1 Chair(s): Ayushi Rastogi
Info for room ICSE room 3-odd hours:

Click here to go to the room on Midspace
