Registered user since Sun 25 Jan 2015
Name:Frank Tip
Frank Tip is a Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs at Northeastern University. Previously, he was a Senior Principal Engineer at Samsung Research America in Mountain View, California (2014-2016), a Professor and Cheriton Research Chair in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo (2012-2014), and a Research Staff Member and Manager at the Software Technology Department at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (1995-2012). He received his PhD in 1995 from the University of Amsterdam.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Northeastern University
Personal website: http://www.franktip.org
Research interests:Program Analysis, Refactoring, Test Generation, Fault Localization, Automated Program Repair, Data-Centric Synchronization, and Analysis of Web Applications.
- Session Chair of Papers 14: Program Analysis (part of Technical Track)
- Session Chair of Software Testing 12 (part of Technical Track)
- DrAsync: Identifying and Visualizing Anti-Patterns in Asynchronous JavaScript
- Testing and Analysis Area Chair in Program Committee within the Technical Track-track
- Session Chair of Tools and Environments 5 (part of Technical Track)
- Nessie: Automatically Testing JavaScript APIs with Asynchronous Callbacks
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