Registered user since Thu 9 Jul 2020
Banani Roy is Assistant Professor and Director of the Interactive Software Engineering and Analytics Lab at the Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Roy is involved in multi-disciplinary research in food and water security supported by two Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) projects, including developing a cloud-based Big Data Analytics Platform for Crop Phenomics, and re-engineering and migrating a popular hydrological modelling system to a next generation workflow system for Global Water Futures (GWF). As co-applicant of an NSERC CREATE in Software Analytics Research (SOAR), Dr. Roy has also been exploring Software Analytics, exploiting her experience working on multi-disciplinary data analytics projects, her industrial experience, and her research on computer supported collaborative work and interactive software engineering. Her research areas include Big Data Analytics, Software Analytics, Software Renovation, and Interactive Software Engineering. Dr. Roy has received several Best Paper and Best Poster awards. She is often involved in conference organization, most recently as Program Co-Chair of the IEEE Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM) 2022.
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