Learning to Recognize Actionable Static Code Warnings (is Intrinsically Easy)
Thu 12 May 2022 13:10 - 13:15 at ICSE room 4 - Machine Learning with and for SE 12 Chair(s): Wei Yang
Fri 27 May 2022 11:20 - 11:25 at Room 301+302 - Papers 19: Machine Learning with and for SE 2 Chair(s): Dalal Alrajeh
Static code warning tools often generate warnings that programmers ignore. Such tools can be made more useful via data mining algorithms that select the “actionable” warnings; i.e. the warnings that are usually not ignored.
In this paper, we look for actionable warnings within a sample of 5,675 actionable warnings seen in 31,058 static code warnings from FindBugs. We find that data mining algorithms can find actionable warnings with remarkable ease. Specifically, a range of data mining methods (deep learners, random forests, decision tree learners, and support vector machines) all achieved very good results (recalls and AUC (TRN, TPR) measures usually over 95% and false alarms usually under 5%).
Given that all these learners succeeded so easily, it is appropriate to ask if there is something about this task that is inherently easy. We report that while our data sets have up to 58 raw features, those features can be approximated by less than two underlying dimensions. For such intrinsically simple data, many different kinds of learners can generate useful models with similar performance.
Based on the above, we conclude that learning to recognize actionable static code warnings is easy, using a wide range of learning algorithms, since the underlying data is intrinsically simple. If we had to pick one particular learner for this task, we would suggest linear SVMs (since, at least in our sample, that learner ran relatively quickly and achieved the best median performance) and we would not recommend deep learning (since this data is intrinsically very simple).