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ICSE 2022
Sun 8 - Fri 27 May 2022
Thu 12 May 2022 04:15 - 04:20 at ICSE room 3 - Testing and Analysis Chair(s): Jie Zhang
Thu 12 May 2022 20:10 - 20:15 at ICSE room 5 - Software Testing 9 Chair(s): Jonathan Sillito

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) provides the runtime environment for Java programs, which allows Java to be “write once, run anywhere”. JVM plays a decisive role in the correctness of all Java programsrunning on it. Therefore, ensuring the correctness and robustnessof JVM implementations is essential for Java programs. To date, various techniques have been proposed to expose JVM bugs viagenerating potential bug-revealing test programs. However, the diversity and effectiveness of test programs generated by existing research are far from enough since they mainly focus on minor syntactic/semantic mutations. In this paper, we propose JavaTailor,the first history-driven test program synthesis technique, which synthesizes diverse test programs by weaving the ingredients extracted from JVM historical bug-revealing test programs into seed programs for covering more JVM behaviors/paths. More specifically, JavaTailor first extracts five types of code ingredients from the his-torical bug-revealing test programs. Then, to synthesize diverse testprograms, it iteratively inserts the extracted ingredients into theseed programs and strengthens their interactions via introducingextra data dependencies between them. Finally, JavaTailor employs these synthesized test programs to differentially test JVMs. Our experimental results on popular JVM implementations (i.e., HotSpot and OpenJ9) show that JavaTailor outperforms the state-of-the-art technique in generating more diverse and effective test programs, e.g., test programs generated by JavaTailor can achieve higher JVM code coverage and detect many more unique inconsistencies than the state-of-the-art technique. Furthermore, JavaTailor has detected 10 previously unknown bugs, 6 of which have been confirmed/fixed by developers.

Thu 12 May

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04:00 - 05:00
Testing and AnalysisTechnical Track at ICSE room 3
Chair(s): Jie Zhang UCL
Static Stack-Preserving Intra-Procedural Slicing of WebAssembly BinariesBest Artifact Award
Technical Track
Quentin Stiévenart Vrije Universiteit Brussel, David Binkley Loyola University Maryland, Coen De Roover Vrije Universiteit Brussel
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Automated Assertion Generation via Information Retrieval and Its Integration with Deep Learning
Technical Track
Hao Yu Peking University, Yiling Lou Purdue University, Ke Sun , Dezhi Ran Peking University, Tao Xie Peking University, Dan Hao Peking University, Ying Li School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China, Ge Li Peking University, Qianxiang Wang Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Combinatorial Testing of RESTful APIs
Technical Track
Huayao Wu Nanjing University, Lixin Xu Nanjing University, Xintao Niu Nanjing University, Changhai Nie Nanjing University
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History-Driven Test Program Synthesis for JVM Testing
Technical Track
Yingquan Zhao Tianjin University, Zan Wang Tianjin University, China, Junjie Chen Tianjin University, Mengdi Liu College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University, Mingyuan Wu Southern University of Science and Technology, Yuqun Zhang Southern University of Science and Technology, Lingming Zhang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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On the Reliability of Coverage-Based Fuzzer Benchmarking
Technical Track
Marcel Böhme MPI-SP, Germany and Monash University, Australia, Laszlo Szekeres Google, Jonathan Metzman Google
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
20:00 - 21:00
Software Testing 9SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice / Technical Track at ICSE room 5
Chair(s): Jonathan Sillito Brigham Young University
Using Natural Language Processing Techniques to Improve Manual Test Case Descriptions
SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice
Markos Viggiato University of Alberta, Dale Paas Prodigy Education, Chris Buzon Prodigy Education, Cor-Paul Bezemer University of Alberta
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Combinatorial Testing of RESTful APIs
Technical Track
Huayao Wu Nanjing University, Lixin Xu Nanjing University, Xintao Niu Nanjing University, Changhai Nie Nanjing University
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History-Driven Test Program Synthesis for JVM Testing
Technical Track
Yingquan Zhao Tianjin University, Zan Wang Tianjin University, China, Junjie Chen Tianjin University, Mengdi Liu College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University, Mingyuan Wu Southern University of Science and Technology, Yuqun Zhang Southern University of Science and Technology, Lingming Zhang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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FADATest: Fast and Adaptive Performance Regression Testing of Dynamic Binary Translation Systems
Technical Track
Jin Wu Harbin Institute of Technology, Jian Dong Harbin Institute Of Technology, Ruili Fang University of Georgia, Wen Zhang University of Georgia, Wenwen Wang University of Georgia, Decheng Zuo Harbin Institute of Technology
Pre-print Media Attached
Preempting Flaky Tests via Non-Idempotent-Outcome Tests
Technical Track
Anjiang Wei Stanford University, Pu Yi Peking University, Zhengxi Li University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Tao Xie Peking University, Darko Marinov University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Wing Lam University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pre-print Media Attached
One Fuzzing Strategy to Rule Them All
Technical Track
Mingyuan Wu Southern University of Science and Technology, Ling Jiang Southern University of Science and Technology, Jiahong Xiang Southern University of Science and Technology, Yanwei Huang Zhejiang University, Heming Cui University of Hong Kong, Lingming Zhang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Yuqun Zhang Southern University of Science and Technology
Pre-print Media Attached

Information for Participants
Thu 12 May 2022 04:00 - 05:00 at ICSE room 3 - Testing and Analysis Chair(s): Jie Zhang
Info for room ICSE room 3-even hours:

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Thu 12 May 2022 20:00 - 21:00 at ICSE room 5 - Software Testing 9 Chair(s): Jonathan Sillito
Info for room ICSE room 5-even hours:

Click here to go to the room on Midspace
