Tool DemonstrationsISSTA 2025
The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) 2025 Tool Demonstration Track serves as a venue for publishing and presenting advances in software testing and analysis tools that aid either practice, research, or both. Submissions may describe early prototypes of tools, mature tools, and everything in between. To help disseminate tools to the community, we encourage submissions describing previously unpublished tools, whose underlying techniques may have already been published.
Call for Demonstrations
The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) 2025 Tool Demonstration Track serves as a venue for publishing and presenting advances in software testing and analysis tools that aid either practice, research, or both. Submissions may describe early prototypes of tools, mature tools, and everything in between. To help disseminate tools to the community, we encourage submissions describing previously unpublished tools, whose underlying techniques may have already been published.
Highlighting scientific contributions through concrete artifacts is a critical supplement to the traditional research papers published at software engineering, including ISSTA. A demonstration provides the opportunity to communicate how a scientific approach has been implemented or how a specific hypothesis has been assessed, including implementation and usage details, data models and representations, and APIs for data access. Authors of regular research papers at ISSTA, or other SE conferences e.g., ICSE, ESEC/FSE, or ASE are, thus, also encouraged to submit an accompanying tool demonstration paper. The tool demonstration papers must be original; however, substantial improvements or extensions to existing tools are also encouraged. Tool demonstration papers must not be concurrently under review at ISSTA or at another venue. Authors are strongly encouraged to make their tools publicly available under an open-source license.
Authors of accepted tool demos will have the opportunity to present their work in the conference program.
The submission must communicate clearly the following information:
- The tool’s envisioned users
- The software testing, analysis challenge(s) the tool addresses
- How to use the tool
- Either results of conducted validation studies or the design of planned studies
- All papers must include a short section titled “Tool Availability” which should include the following information:
- A URL for downloading or accessing the latest version of the tool (e.g., a GitHub repository or a cloud-based web service). Please also briefly mention what level of documentation is available for using and/or extending the tool.
- A YouTube link demonstrating the use of the tool as of the current version.
- An archived version of the tool at the time of submission (e.g., a DOI for a ZIP file hosted at Zenodo), if appropriate. If your tool is not freely available on the Internet, the “Tool Availability” section must contain a paragraph explaining who can access the tool and how they can do so (e.g., by request, purchase, or if access is restricted to certain groups).
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the Tool Demonstrations Track program committee. The evaluation criteria include:
- The relevance of the proposed tool demonstration to the ISSTA audience
The technical soundness of the demonstrated tool
The originality of the underlying ideas
The quality of the paper’s presentation
The potential applications and usefulness of the tool
The comparison to the related work
How to submit
Submissions must conform to the ACM Conference Format. A tool demonstration submission may not exceed four pages, including all text, figures, and links to artifact availability (see above). Up to one additional page may be used for references. The paper submission must be in PDF. The Tool Demonstration track will be using the single-blind reviewing model, so the submitted PDFs should identify the authors.
Submit papers via HotCRP:
Program Committee
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by a program committee consisting of experts in the fields of software testing, and analysis. If you wish to nominate yourself to serve on the Tool Demos PC, please fill in this Google Form by December 15, 2024: