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ICSE 2022
Sun 8 - Fri 27 May 2022
Room nameICSE room 7
Room InformationNo extra information available

Information for Participants
Info for room ICSE room 7:

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Thu 12 May

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20:00 - 21:00
Software Engineering in Practice 4SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice / SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training at ICSE room 7
Chair(s): Igor Steinmacher Northern Arizona University
A longitudinal case study on the effects of an evidence-based software engineering training
SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training
Sebastián Pizard Universidad de la República, Diego Vallespir Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, Barbara Kitchenham Keele University
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Student-Sponsored Projects in a Capstone Course: Reflections and Lessons Learned
SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training
Ethan Bütt University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Suzette Person University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Christopher Bohn University of Nebraska - Lincoln
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Analyzing the CMake Build System
SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice
KimHao Nguyen University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ThanhVu Nguyen George Mason University, Quoc-Sang Phan Facebook, Inc.
Automatic Anti-Pattern Detection in Microservice Architectures based on Distributed Tracing
SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice
Tim Hubener ING Bank N.V., Yaping Luo ING; Eindhoven University of Technology, Pieter Vallen ING, Jonck van der Kogel ING Bank N.V., Tom Liefheid ING Bank N.V., Michel Chaudron Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
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Organizational Culture and its impact on the BizDev interface
SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice
Caique Moreira Unicamp, Breno de França UNICAMP, Tayana Conte Universidade Federal do Amazonas
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On the Effectiveness of Machine Learning Experiment Management Tools
SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice
Samuel Idowu Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Osman Hasan National University of Sciences & Technology, Daniel Strüber Chalmers | University of Gothenburg / Radboud University, Thorsten Berger
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