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ICSE 2022
Sun 8 - Fri 27 May 2022
Wed 11 May 2022 12:00 - 12:05 at ICSE room 3 - Teaching SE Skills 2 Chair(s): Christoph Matthies
Wed 11 May 2022 21:05 - 21:10 at ICSE room 1 - Program Comprehension 3 Chair(s): Christina von Flach
Wed 25 May 2022 09:45 - 09:50 at Ballroom A - Papers 1: Teaching and Productivity Chair(s): Christoph Matthies

This experience report paper reports on case studies of courses that used final exams that involved creative problem solving to assess students’ ability to apply the material, and divergent thinking to ensure that each student’s exam was unique. We report on two senior-level software engineering courses, taught a total of five times across three semesters. We attempt to give enough information so that readers can adapt this method in their own courses. Our exams include built-in divergence properties, which are elements or decisions that lead students to more than one good answer. Based on our experience, divergent thinking, creative problem solving exams not only provide excellent assessments of student knowledge, but ensure the integrity of the exam process, even when students work without supervision. We developed this strategy during the pandemic when all courses were online, but find them to be better than our traditional exams and plan to keep using this strategy for in-person courses.

Wed 11 May

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

12:00 - 13:00
Teaching SE Skills 2SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training at ICSE room 3
Chair(s): Christoph Matthies Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam
Designing Divergent Thinking, Creative Problem Solving Exams
SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training
Jeff Offutt George Mason University, Kesina Baral George Mason University
Pre-print Media Attached
Reading to Write Code: An Experience Report of a Reverse Engineering and Modeling Course
SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training
Brooke Kelsey Ryan University of California, Irvine, Adriana Meza Soria UC Irvine, Kaj Dreef University of California, Irvine, Andre van der Hoek University of California, Irvine
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
DevOps Education: An Interview Study of Challenges and Recommendations
SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training
Marcelo Fernandes Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, Samuel Ferino Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Anny Fernandes Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Uirá Kulesza Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Eduardo Aranha Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Christoph Treude University of Melbourne
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21:00 - 22:00
Supporting program comprehension by generating abstract code summary tree
NIER - New Ideas and Emerging Results
Avijit Bhattacharjee University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Banani Roy University of Saskatchewan, Kevin Schneider University of Saskatchewan
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Designing Divergent Thinking, Creative Problem Solving Exams
SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training
Jeff Offutt George Mason University, Kesina Baral George Mason University
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Practitioners’ Expectations on Automated Code Comment Generation
Technical Track
Xing Hu Zhejiang University, Xin Xia Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology Lab, David Lo Singapore Management University, Zhiyuan Wan Zhejiang University, Qiuyuan Chen Zhejiang University, Thomas Zimmermann Microsoft Research
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Retrieving Data Constraint Implementations Using Fine-Grained Code Patterns
Technical Track
Juan Manuel Florez The University of Texas at Dallas, Jonathan Perry The University of Texas at Dallas, Shiyi Wei University of Texas at Dallas, Andrian Marcus University of Texas at Dallas
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Bridging Pre-trained Models and Downstream Tasks for Source Code Understanding
Technical Track
Deze Wang National University of Defense Technology, Zhouyang Jia National University of Defense Technology, Shanshan Li National University of Defense Technology, Yue Yu College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China, Yun Xiong Fudan University, Wei Dong School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, China, Liao Xiangke National University of Defense Technology
Pre-print Media Attached

Wed 25 May

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

09:30 - 10:30
Papers 1: Teaching and ProductivitySEET - Software Engineering Education and Training / Journal-First Papers / Technical Track at Ballroom A
Chair(s): Christoph Matthies Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam
Individual differences limit predicting well-being and productivity using software repositories: a longitudinal industrial study
Journal-First Papers
Miikka Kuutila University of Oulu, Mika Mäntylä University of Oulu, Maëlick Claes University of Oulu, Marko Elovainio University of Helsinki, Bram Adams Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Link to publication Media Attached
Integrating Hackathons into an Online Cybersecurity Course
SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training
Abasi-amefon Obot Affia University of Tartu, Estonia, Alexander Nolte University of Tartu, Raimundas Matulevičius University of Tartu, Estonia
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
An Exploratory Study of Productivity in Software Teams
Technical Track
Anastasia Ruvimova University of Zurich, Alexander Lill University of Zurich, Gail Murphy University of British Columbia, Elaine Huang University of Zurich, Jan Gugler University of Zurich, Lauren Howe University of Zurich, Thomas Fritz University of Zurich
Pre-print Media Attached
Designing Divergent Thinking, Creative Problem Solving Exams
SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training
Jeff Offutt George Mason University, Kesina Baral George Mason University
Pre-print Media Attached
Reading to Write Code: An Experience Report of a Reverse Engineering and Modeling Course
SEET - Software Engineering Education and Training
Brooke Kelsey Ryan University of California, Irvine, Adriana Meza Soria UC Irvine, Kaj Dreef University of California, Irvine, Andre van der Hoek University of California, Irvine
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Emotions and Perceived Productivity of Software Developers at the Workplace
Journal-First Papers
Daniela Girardi University of Bari, Filippo Lanubile University of Bari, Nicole Novielli University of Bari, Alexander Serebrenik Eindhoven University of Technology
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached

Information for Participants
Wed 11 May 2022 12:00 - 13:00 at ICSE room 3 - Teaching SE Skills 2 Chair(s): Christoph Matthies
Info for room ICSE room 3-even hours:

Click here to go to the room on Midspace

Wed 11 May 2022 21:00 - 22:00 at ICSE room 1 - Program Comprehension 3 Chair(s): Christina von Flach
Info for room ICSE room 1-odd hours:

Click here to go to the room on Midspace
