ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

We expect to open early registration in August 2024 (with a $300 deposit) for those who have papers accepted from the first Research Track cycle. Full registration will open in December 2024.

Registration Fees for the main ICSE conference, Co-Located Conferences, Workshops and other Items

The following are the currently planned registration fees. The ‘Early’ Fees will apply until February 18th 2025. The late registration fees will be determined a little later and will be 14% to 25% higher than the early fees.

For reference, the CAD $1180 basic member fee for the main conference works out (as of mid-2024) to be about 805 EUR or 865 USD.


Main ICSE conference fees in CAD

Wed April 30 to Friday May 2, including the Wednesday reception and Thursday banquet

Early (by Feb 18th)  Late
ACM/IEEE Member 1180 TBD
Non-Member 1420 TBD
Student Member 830 TBD
Student Non-Member  995 TBD
Life member (retired IEEE/ACM member)  650 TBD


Two-day co-located conference fees in CAD

These apply for events held either Sunday Apr 27th + Monday Apr 28th, or Monday April 28th + Tuesday April 29th. These include a social event with a meal on the first day.

Early (by Feb 18th)  Late
ACM/IEEE Member 810 TBD
Non-Member 975 TBD
Student Member 570 TBD
Student Non-Member  685 TBD
Life member (retired IEEE/ACM member)  450 TBD


Single-day fees, any day of the conference

These apply any day, but do NOT include the banquet, receptions, or any social events associated with co-located conferences. These can be used attending a full-day workshop, the Doctoral Symposium, the New Faculty Symposium, one day of a co-located conference if you are attending an overlapping conference on two other days, or one day of the main conference if you do not have a paper in the main conference. These do include lunch. If any half-day events are later approved, the costs will be 75% of this, but will include lunch.

Early (by Feb 18th)  Late
ACM/IEEE Member 400 TBD
Non-Member 480 TBD
Student Member 280 TBD
Student Non-Member  335 TBD


Other fees in CAD

Early (by Feb 18th)  Late
Childcare, per HALF day or for a reception or banquet evening (capacity may be limited)  75 TBD
Pdf file with a letter of invitation only for those with accepted papers or members of the organizing committee of the main conference or a track. This is only to be requested you need such a letter to obtain a visa  25 TBD
Extra ticket for the Thursday banquet or for a co-located social event  140 TBD
Extra reception ticket 50 TBD