The IEEE SWEBOK Summit 2025 will be held Tuesday April 29th, 2025 as part of ICSE2025
The SWEBOK Summit is a premier industry-focused event, bringing together practitioners, researchers, and educators from the SE communities to collaborate, share experiences and challenges, and provide future research directions on the body of knowledge (particularly the IEEE-CS’s Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge; SWEBOK Guide), skills, and competencies required for current and future SE professionals, as well as related professional training and certifications.
The Summit also encourages using the latest SWEBOK Guide V4 to address SE-specific challenges. In addition to keynotes, panels, and invited tutorials, the event will feature selected presentations on SE bodies of knowledge, skills, competencies, certifications, and related topics.
For this summit only, there will be no registration fee.
There is a call for presentations at: The due date for presentation proposals is February 10th; Notification of acceptance: February 14th
To register for the SWEBOK Summit, go to the ICSE 2025 Registration page. You do not have to register for any other ICSE activity. On the event choice page, select ‘Tuesday’ and the SWEBOK Summit will appear as an option; there will be no charge when you check out if this is the only activity you choose. You can register for other ICSE2025 activities on other days as well (which do have a fee).
To ensure we have a good projection of the number of ICSE Summit attendees (and can allocate a room of sufficient size and make other arrangements), ICSE 2025 requests that you register by the early registration date of February 18, 2025. As with all other ICSE 2025 participants, you will be sent discount codes for travel and hotels with your registration form. We request that you use one of the hotel codes by March 25th, since costs are in part being covered through a sponsorship arrangement with Tourism Ottawa and these hotels.