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More details will become available as the program develops. The following is a brief outline:

Day by day plan

Sunday-April 27 to Tuesday April 29

Tuesday April 29

In addition to workshops and co-located conferences as above:

Wednesday April 30 to Friday May 2

Main conference in general:

Wednesday April 30 special events

Thursday May 1 special events

Saturday May 3

Colocated conferences

These run in parallel with workshops and certain other events from Sunday to Tuesday.

Sun Apr 27 (one day). Both of these had been two-days but were shortened.

Sun Apr 27+Mon Apr 28 (two days)

Mon Apr 28+Tue Apr 29 (two days)

Daily schedule

7-8 on Thursday: ICSE run

8 a.m. Registration opens (7:30 on Wednesday)

9-10:30 session 1 (Mon-Wed+Sat parallel sessions; Wed-Fri Announcements and keynotes)

10:30-11 break

11-12:30 Session 2 (about 12 parallel sessions)

12:30-14:00 lunch. Includes various special lunchtime evnts.

14:00-15:30 Session 3 (about 12 parallel sessions most days)

15:30-16:00 break

16:00-17:30 Session 4 (about 12 parallel sessions most days)

19:00 Evening events some days (including Wed reception; Thu banquet)